Friday 5 December 2014

Against the Current concert

Last night me and my sister went to see one of my favourite bands, against the current, as her present to me for my 18th birthday.

When we got to the venue I saw the band through a window and tried not to freak out while my sister stood next to me rolling her eyes at me. We had to wait outside for a little while and we saw the band (and people who had VIP) go upstairs. Not long after we we're let into the building and we gave our names and got our hands stamped. Then we waited some more.

When we were finally let upstairs to where the concert would take place, there was not a lot of people. Even as we waited not many more people turned up, I was confused because they're such an amazing band and normally there are a lot more people at their concerts. But oh well because we were in the front row.

There were two bands that played before ATC. I don't remember their names (I think one was called Miss Fortune and the other was something like Call It Reckless I'm not sure) I apologise for not remembering their names. But both bands were pretty good. Although the atmosphere was kind of awkward because there weren't enough people there, props to the girl in the second band for her amazing enthusiasm though! 

Finally, when ATC came onstage, things became a lot less awkward and much more amazing. Since I was in the front row, at times Chrissy was literally standing right in front of me (and up a bit due to the stage, but not that much because she's very short). They were amazing. I was singing along to pretty much all the songs (there were only a couple I didn't really know) and they all done an amazing job. At the end they said that they would stay behind and say hi and sign things and whatnot. So obviously I waited for them to come back.

The encore was kind of tense because we weren't loud enough (because there were not enough people) but they did eventually come back and do one more song. Afterwards I bought a poster and a CD so I would have something for them to sign.

Chrissy was the first to emerge to sign things and whatnot. A queue was formed. I was last in said queue. But eventually we were at the front and I was shaking. She signed my poster and took a picture with me. Then she took a picture with my sister. I ended up having an actual conversation with her (without looking like too much of an idiot) and I told her that going to the concert was part of my birthday present, at which point she wished me a happy birthday and gave me a hug.

Then we waited (I forced my sister to wait with me) for Will and Dan to show up. Will showed up first and he signed my poster and took a photo with me and I told him how amazing he was. Then I went back to waiting for Dan. But a security guard asked us to leave, but it told him that I was waiting for Dan to come back to sign my poster and thus convinced him to let us stay a few minutes longer. I had to ask Will and Chrissy if Dan was coming back and Chrissy said he was and she brought him back. Then Dan signed my poster and took a photo with me. By this point we had to rush out because security wanted us out.

Overall it was the best night of my life and the best 18th birthday present I could ever ask for. 

Claire :)

Sunday 2 November 2014

Ambulances and the Cinema with Friends

It's Sunday, and you know what that means. It's time for an update post. I get to tell you all about my week, because that's what I do now on a Sunday.

Nothing really happened on Monday, so we'll skip to Tuesday. On Tuesday my sister was taken into hospital. She had an ambulance and went to A&E, the full works. You see, she had been suffering from the same migraine for three days and so the paramedic that came to the house decided that she needed to go to the hospital. She's okay now though she came home the same day and she's getting better.

On Wednesday I walked the greyhounds, and when I was walking Bandit and Pepper in the morning they saw a rabbit on the field. So you can guess what happened, they both pulled and jumped trying to get to it, while I was holding onto their leads for dear life. It was all okay though, they didn't get the rabbit and I didn't get dragged across the field.

Thursday morning I was at the kennels again and it was a lot more uneventful. In the afternoon my grandparents came round and I had some lovely chocolate cake. Then in the evening I went out to the cinema with my friends Amy and Paige. We had loads of fun, Paige and I waited for Amy at Burger King because she works there and Paige was trying to avoid eye contact with Amy's coworkers, and we got a free drink. Then when Amy had finished we went to the cinema. We saw the maze runner. Yes, I saw it again and I am not ashamed. It's an amazing film and they hadn't seen it before so it was fine. They really liked the film too and Amy said she would read the books, not sure if she'll ever actually get round to it though haha! We went to McDonalds after the film, and I still had some of my BK drink left and so I took it with me to McDonalds and I got a McFlurry and I'm sure I got a few weird looks. We had about 20 minutes before we were being picked up, yet Amy still decided it was a good idea to order a meal and a McFlurry and a smoothie. She ate it pretty fast though. Paige had a wonderful sparkling water (I think that's what it was) that someone had left behind in McDonalds. It was a really good night, although I had a really bad headache through most of the evening. It was really nice to see a couple of my friends.

Nothing happened on Friday or Saturday, so that just about wraps up my week. Mostly uneventful, except Thursday to be honest. I haven't got a lot planned this month, apart from going round Paige's, seeing fireworks and sleeping round hers. Other than that this month will probably be quite uneventful. However, the vampire diaries starts next week!

Stay in school. Don't do drugs. Be happy. Love you all.

Claire :)

Tuesday 28 October 2014

The Fangirl Tag

This is another tag thingy, feel free to steal it from me, I only found it on the internet.

1. First person I've ever obsessed over?
I think the first person I ever really properly obsessed over was Niall Horan, I stalked him all the time on the internet.

2. Current obsession?
I have so many obsessions right now so I'll just give one example, and that would be the maze runner.

3. Favourite band?
I have several favourite bands, but I guess I'll have to say 5sos.

4. Favourite singer?
Ed Sheeran probably.

5. Favourite youtuber?
Dan Howell and Phil Lester. Ha. Two. Sorry, I am incapable of having one favourite for anything.

6. First concert?
5sos, which is also the only concert I've ever been to.

7. Favourite movie?
I love so many movies but right now it's the maze runner and I'm hoping to see it again next week. (If no one can go with me then I'll actually go and see it alone)

8. Favourite actor/actress?
My favourite actor is Thomas Brodie-Sangster and my favourite actress is Jennifer Lawrence.

9. First celebrity crush?
Nat Wolff when he was in the naked brothers band.

10. Ever got made fun of for what I like?
Yes, a few times, mostly by my friends because I like one direction.

11. Favourite book?
What kind of a question is this? That's like asking a mother to choose her favourite child! One of my favourite books is Paper Towns by John Green (because John Green is some kind of god put on this earth to make me laugh and cry till I can't breathe anymore)

12. Favourite tv show?
Wow, the vampire diaries probably.

13. Favourite fictional character?
Again, I can't choose just one, but I will give you an example; Alec Lightwood, from the mortal instruments series. Sassy Alec is life.

14. Something I love about a fandom I'm in?
In the maze runner fandom, you can pretty much ship anyone with anyone and no one will mind because everyone is shipped with everyone and no one judges your ship.

15. Something I hate about a fandom I'm in?
The 5sos fam are becoming a bit rude now, mobbing the boys and such. I don't like it.

16. Would I ever take a bullet for the people I fangirl over?
Yes, every sing one.

17. Do I ever hide the fact that I like someone out of fear of getting teased?
Not really, I don't care if people think I'm weird.

18. Have I ever met any of my idols?
Yes, I have met Tanya Burr and Jim Chapman. Both are youtubers.

19. Do I have any merch of the people I fangirl over?
So much merch, I might drown in it all.

20. Favourite fangirl moment?
My own personal fangirl moment was when I met Tanya and Jim and I was so awkward and weird and I feel bad about it. I was literally shaking, I am such an antisocial person, I don't know how to act in front of people.

Claire :)

Sunday 26 October 2014

Monty the Great and a Very Crap Holiday

I have some amazing news! I got another dog! His name is Monty and he's a retired greyhound (wow such a surprise). He's only 2 and he was disqualified from racing because he turned and looked at another dog (which is a pretty stupid reason) and I will try to keep you updated on how he settles in and what he gets up to.

I was on holiday for a few days, but it got cut short due to reasons I shall not disclose. It was a pretty good holiday, by the sea, in a caravan. I ate way too much food, but it's okay because food is great. I'd been there before so it was nothing new, but it was nice to get away for a few days. I done so much washing up though, and getting fresh water, getting rid of the dirty water. At least I didn't have to empty the toilet one, eww. That's why I have caravans, it's all too much hassle.

I am currently reading Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, though I have yet to get really into it because my sister is ill and she's been distracting me from the novel. I finished the iron trial by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare. It was amazing, I will try to write one of my review/ramble thingys about it, if I find the time (and by that I mean; if I can be bothered to write it).

The Originals is back on TV and I am extremely happy about that, just waiting for the vampire diaries to come back now! I've been watching this new show called the strain and it's really creepy but I can't stop watching it. I'll be so terrified but unable to take my eyes off the screen. It's a good show though, my whole family watch it, except my dad forbids us from calling them vampires and insists that we call them 'the infected' because my dad hates fantasies.

I don't have too much else to say, it's been a long week, I have too much washing to do and I am very tired. Monty has settled in really well, however, he is tall enough to reach the counter tops and so you have to use one hand to make your food and the other to keep him at a safe distance. All in all, he's a very lovely boy and I'm glad we got him.

So, I guess I will make another update post next week, I'm asking it a regular thing (if I can) to make an update post every Sunday. And I will try to post other, more interesting stuff, throughout the rest of the week. Let's hope that I can find interesting things to write about, and that I post it.

Stay in school. Don't do drugs. Have a lovely week. Don't forget to smile.

Claire :)

Tuesday 14 October 2014

The Maze Runner Ramble

The maze runner is one of my favourite book series's of ALL TIME! I remember that I started reading it because I had lent my friends two of my books (TID incase you're wondering) and she was like "since you've lent me two of your books, would you like to borrow one of mine?" And thus she lent me TMR and I read it. Obviously.

From the first chapter I was hooked. Who can resist a book about a bunch of (gay) guys stuck in a maze with no apparent way out? Not me. So I was struggling with trying to read it and get my work done (I was still at hell *ahem* I mean sixth form at the time) but I read it within a week I think and then had to wait to borrow the second one.

My favourite character became Newt at some point during the first book (with Minho following in a close second) and thankfully it didn't take me too long to catch on to the slang in the book, such as shank and greenie. I really love the slang, I think it's great and I constantly call my sister a shank and she doesn't understand what it means. But I do miss Chuck and Alby, and I always will. I cried so much when they both died, I was like a water fountain, only less pretty.

The second book, the scorch trials, was also amazing (probably my favourite book in the series) mostly due to Minho's amazing levels of sass. I would like to point out that I called out on Brenda and Jorge when we first met them in the book, I knew they had something to do with WICKED, it was too good to be true (although they do end up helping the gladers).

I think it was when I read the scorch trials that I really started shipping lots of the characters (mostly thominho and minewt and newmas) as that happens with most things I read. I think I shipped so many characters together in this series because they all have such great bonds with each other already. I love the bromance. After I had read TST I finally got my own copies of the books in order to read the rest, plus I really wanted my own copies because of how much I love the series.

The death cure was almost the death of me. Newt. I need not say more. I cried for hours, threw the book across the room, yelled, screamed. I was heartbroken. However, it was a happy (ish) ending. Not how I imagined it would end when I first started the series. We had the return of Gally too so that was fun. Teresa died. It was a rubbish death, one minute she was there, the next she was gone. I think she could have had a better send off. You know, sadder. I didn't cry. I wish I had, I wish it had of pulled at my heart strings like the other deaths did.

The maze runner movie. Okay this was amazing. First of all, Thomas Brodie-Sangster was Newt. So I was freaking out whenever I saw him. Secondly, can I mention that I saw an early screening of TMR. I saw it like three days before it 'officially' came out in cinemas in the UK thanks to my friends step dad wining a competition. I know that some top the things weren't in the right order and a few things were added and changed, but that always happens. I would be shocked if it didn't. But I think overall, it was really good.

The effects were amazing, the maze changing was so cool and the actors all done an amazing job (obviously) and portrayed the characters so well. It was simply perfect and I am hoping to see it again (at the cinema) with some friends because I could watch it 50 times in a row and still not be bored (not just because if Thomas Brodie-Sangster) it as just that good.

I haven't read the kill order yet, but I will very soon. I know that James Dashner is writing a prequel to the maze runner and I am looking forward to it very much, he is an incredibly talented writer. I am also looking forward to see the scorch trials at the cinema too, well done to the amazing Wes Ball, the maze runner was spectacular god knows how amazing TST will be. If you have read TMR or seen it, I suggest you do at least one (or both because both are amazing) because you will not regret it.

Claire :)

Thursday 28 August 2014

Interviews, Amazing Books, the Essay of Greyhounds and Malec

Hey there, I swear lately all my blog posts have just been updates. I'm sorry. But I enjoy sharing all my news and whatnot with you. First of all, I have a job interview on Sunday, at Burger King. Wow. My dream job haha! No,but seriously, it's a job so I'm happy I have an interview. Although, it's a group interview (which I think is weird but hey) and one of my amazing friends work at BK and she said that her interview included roleplay and presentations. I HATED doing presentations at school, it was just awful. But I'm going to try my best and see how it goes.

I got four new books today. I ordered them last week because I'd borrowed the first two from my friend Lish and I really loved them (bit of an understatement as I am obsessed with them haha) so I ordered them with the money I got from my grandparents.

The Maze Runner series by James Dashner. If you have not read any of these books then you really need to. My friend borrowed a couple of my books last year and she said "Hey, since I borrowed a couple of your books, are there any of mine you want to read?" And so I borrowed The Maze Runner from her, and I loved it. Then, of course, I borrowed The Scorch Trials from her. Once I finally had some of my own money, I decided to get the whole series for myself. So now I have all four of the books (The Death Cure and The Kill Order being the other two books in the series) and I cannot wait to finish reading the series.

I just want to spend a bit of time talking about the Retired Greyhound Trust in this blog post, just because it's something that's really important to me. As you may (or may not) know, I volunteer at my local RGT. RGT is the place where all the greyhound who were raced and trained to race go after they can no longer race as well as they used to (or just never make the cut in the first place like out Ellie) and they go there until someone comes along and adopts them. Unfortunately, as greyhounds are no longer puppies when they arrive at the kennels, they don't get adopted particularly quickly and some of them are there for months on end. There are always lots of dogs at the kennels and those dogs rely on the volunteers and whatnot to look after them. All the supplies are pretty much reliant upon donations and wether the dogs get walked or not depends on volunteers. There are some days when these dogs cannot go out for a walk at all because there is no one to take them.
A big part of the reason I volunteer is to see how happy these dogs are when they get to go out for a walk. When I go to get one out of their kennel, they jump up at me and give me lots of kisses because they're so happy to be able to go out for a walk. Every Wednesday (all day) and Thursday morning I go up there and help walk the dogs and groom them afterwards. I get quite attached to some of them and it's always lovely when they finally find a home and no longer have to live in kennels. Because these dogs have raced for many years and some of them were probably treated badly, like my Maya who flinches every time there is some kind of smacking noise and is scared of pretty much everything. And so to see them finally find a home and a family who loves them just makes me so happy and I know that I wouldn't trade my two girls for anything.
The greyhounds that end up at the kennels are the lucky ones. I've heard that sometimes the greyhounds are killed after they can no longer race. A lot of them are hit when they're being raced and the racing isn't always safe either, there are lots of greyhounds out there missing a leg. And some of the trainer cut off the greyhounds ears so they can't be traced if they have abused the greyhound. And it just really gets to me that some people can be so cruel and I know that other dogs get abused too, but I'm just talking specifically about greyhounds because they mean a lot to me.

Sorry for the massive essay on greyhounds haha! Anyway, I shall now shut up before I start taking about greyhounds and change the subject to The Mortal Instruments. Mostly, just the characters, or more, two specific characters. And some things that Cassandra Clare has revealed will happen with them. Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood. They are going to get married! I'm so excited! And, they're going to adopt a child/children. I just wanted to share my excitement with you and squeal like the fangirl I am! I cannot wait to read about it, I hope they adopt a little warlock. It would be so cute. The child would cause so much mischief and Alec would be chasing it all around the place, trying to stop them from breaking anything or accidentally summoning a demon (Magnus would say it was just one time and wasn't bound to happen again but Alec would just glare at him) and the child would steal Alec's jumpers and use them as blankets and spill Magnus' eyeliner everywhere. Magnus would just shrug and say that the child is "too cute to be told off" and so Alec would roll his eyes and cuddle with them.
You need to stop me when I do this to myself. I'm sorry. It would be so cute I just need it to happen already. I constantly fangirl over Malec, they're just so perfect.

That's all for this post. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will post again soon (I hope) and I'll try to make it about one thing and not twelve. Stay in school. Don't do drugs. Love you!

Claire :)

Thursday 21 August 2014

Updates and New Books

Hey there, today I'm just giving you all a few updates and whatnot. First of all, on Tuesday it was my mum and dads 25th wedding anniversary and I spent all day tidying the house, making drinks and food, and just being a good host overall. I worked really hard all day and ended up being given £30 from my grandparents. So overall, it was a success. I do know that I'll probably end up spending all the money on books (even though I shouldn't because I have too many that I still have to read) just have to decide what books to buy.

About a week ago (less than a week I think) I won two books from goodreads first reads and they said to allow 4-6 weeks for them to arrive, but they arrived today.

They are both beautiful hardbacks which makes me really happy. The Relic Guild is a fantasy novel and the back says "In his long years in the Labyrinth, Samuel had witnessed many strange and terrible things, and nothing was ever as it seemed..." I'm really looking forward to reading it. The Fair Fight is set in Victorian times and the characters seem to vary from very poor people, to incredibly rich ones and it has a few 5 star ratings on goodreads already. I shall read both these books as soon as I can and review them on here and on goodreads.

Link to Thr Relic Guild:
Link to The Fair Fight:

I will be posting a lot more about books on here as I'm really getting into reading again and loving the idea of reviewing book, especially since I got the books from goodreads. But I will still post about other stuff too.

Claire :)

Sunday 3 August 2014

The Hypothetical Situation Tag

1. If you could live anywhere on earth, where would you live? 
Either in London (which is only like 3 hours from where I live now) or maybe Australia. 

2. Would you be willing to reduce your lifespan by 10 years to become rich and famous? 

If it means I get to meet Michael Clifford then I'm all for it.

3. If you won $1,000,000 on the lottery, what would you do? 

Help out my parents so we don't lose our house, go to lots of concerts, go on holiday, probably give some to charity and maybe get my own place.

4. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you eat? 

Spaghetti bolognese. 

5. Would you rather be deaf or blind? 

Blind because I don't know what I'd do without music and you have audio books now so I'd be okay.

6. If you were in X-Men, what would your mutation be?

If be a shapeshifter like Mystique because then you could just make yourself look like whoever you want. 

7. If you were really a robot, would you want to know? 
Yes because I might be able to do some really cool things.

8. If an inexplicable phenomenon occurs and it gives you the "right of alternate history". You get the chance to rewrite a moment in your past. What would you change? 
I would not do maths at sixth form.

9. If you could have complete knowledge of any 5 things, what would you want to know? 
What happens after we die would be a pretty good thing to know, I'd probably want to know another language (probably Japanese so I don't have to find the English dubbed and subbed anime), how to hack computers might be interesting, I'd want to know what the government is hiding from us (we all know they're hiding stuff from us), and how to make the perfect brownies.

10. If you could be famous for anything of your choice, what would it be?
For fangirling because I am pro at that. 

11. If you could send 10 words to your 14 year old self, what would those words be? 
Don't give up just yet kiddo, things will get better.

12. If you were to go to a (Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Disney, Doctor Who, Merlin, Big Bang Theory, Regular Costume Party)  themed dress up party, who would you go as? 

Harry Potter - Bellatrix
Hunger Games - Effy
Disney - Elsa
Doctor Who - a darlek
Merlin - Morgana
Big Bang Theory - Howard
Regular Costume Party - L Lawliet 

13. Would you rather forget who you were or who everyone else was?
Forget who everyone else was because that way only the people who actually care about me will reintroduce themselves so I won't have to remember the people I don't like.

14. If you had to travel 100 years into the past or the future, which way would you go? 
Future, flying cars and hover boards please. 

15. If after dying you can choose to become any living thing other than a human, what would you pick? 
A dog because they're normally really loved by their family.

So that was a tag I stole from Lish, but she stole it from other people too. I hope you liked it, have a lovely day. Stay in school. Don't do drugs.

Claire :)

The most Amazing Fictional Characters You will Ever Come Across

I know I've done something like this before, but this is an updated and better version. So, in no particular order, here are some of my favourite fictional characters!

1. L Lawliet from Death Note. How can you not love him? He is adorable, smart and weird. He eats tonnes of sweets and cake and he is an incredible detective. I love everything about him, from his messy black hair to his weird habits. And I will forever hate Light for what he done.

2. Newt from The Maze Runner. I am currently obsessed with him and I can't stop myself. He is so wonderful and I'm really annoyed that the internet spoiled something for me, so now I know his fate in the third book (I am reading the second one) and I'm not happy. He's just a bloody great character.

3. Alec Lightwood from the Mortal Instruments. Alex will always be in this list, he's just amazing. I especially love him in CoHF because he's so sassy! Tbh who wouldn't want a gorgeous, sexy shadowhunter? And I ship him and Magnus so much it hurts.

4. Jem Carstairs from the Infernal Devices. Jem has made me cry on more occasions that one. He is the perfect gentleman and he's so wonderful with his silver hair and he's a shadowhunter too. (I may have an obsession with shadowhunters) Jem really put me through some serious emotional pain, but I still love him so much.

5. Augustus Waters from the Fault in Our Stars. He is perfect. Who doesn't want their own Augustus? (Minus the bad thing that happens) I love Augustus and what happened to him broke my heart. I remember reading the book and by the end I was just a blubbering mess. I didn't cry at the film though, just the book. (I read the book before I saw the film and I do love the film)

6. Will Grayson from Will Grayson, Will Grayson. This is the depressed, gay Will Grayson. I love him because he's so blunt in the way he feels and I can relate to the depression he feels. I also have a bit of a thing for the weirder and more depressed characters for some reason, which is part of the reason I like him so much.

7. Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games. I swear it's not just because of Jennifer Lawrence. I seriously love Katniss' character because she's quite badass and it's awesome. I hate it when female characters are weak and depend on a male character. So I really love Katniss and I mean Jennifer Lawrence is obviously part of the reason I love her so much too.

8. Elijah Mikaelson from the Vampire Diaries and The Originals. I just love the fact that he can be a total gentleman one minute and then a badass vampire the next. Plus he's an original so he can't really be killed which just adds to how amazing his character is tbh.

9. Kate Freelander from Sanctuary. Kate is so badass and that's why I love her. She started off working for the bad guys but then ended up joining Magnus and the rest of the team. She's really awesome and I ship her with Henry so much.

10.  Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones. She is perfect and I love her. She is the mother of dragons and she's got amazing hair. Her brother was an asshole and I'm so glad he's dead. She's gone through so much pain but she's come out fighting, freeing salves and raising her three dragons.

Claire :)

Tuesday 22 July 2014

A whole lot of fandom shit and gay ships

I'm back! I stole this from Lish. Sorry Lish, I couldn't resist. You will all think I'm incredibly weird after reading this.

Your current OTP.
I have so many OTPs but right now I'm obsessing a lot over Malec (TMI) and LightxL (Death Note).

A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
Probably Klaus and Caroline because I used to ship her with Tyler but then people online were like "klaroline" and I was like oooh!

A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't.
I don't have one, if I want to ship something then I will ship it.

What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
Idk reading fanfic? Getting tumblr?

Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
Idk probably not, I just admire other peoples stuff.

What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it?
I have no idea possibly Harry Potter.

What was your first fandom?
I can't remember, it might have been Harry Potter or...omg yes I was in the Buffy Fandom! I used to watch videos on YouTube of Buffy and Spike!

Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows?
Both I guess. I'm really getting into Anime lately.

Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?

Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
Sherlock probably, but that was also down to my friends ahaha!

How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s).
We're like a big happy family who writes and reads gay fanfic!

Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
Light, L and sweets.

A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to.
Omg Lish! She has dragged me into so many fandoms! Such as the mortal instruments, divergent, hunger games, maze runner and so many more. She helped ruin my life. Thanks Lish.

Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over).
Sherlock omg the Sherlock fandom is great!

Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
Girl all the bad guys want reminds me of Kate an Henry from Sanctuary tbh. (It's also mine and Elli's song).

Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
L and Light frickle frackle. Done.

A ship you’ve abandoned and why.
I haven't really ever abandoned a ship tbh.

A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
Idk Newt and Minho from maze runner maybe? Is that weird? Do other people ship them? I'll look on tumblr later aha!

What's a headcanon you have?
Johnlock obvs.

What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships?
Omg Johnlock, L and Light, Malec, Newt and Minho, and so many others.

What are your favorite male/female ships?
Delena (TVD), Hazel and Augustus, Clace (TMI), Sizzy (TMI), Kate and Henry(Sanctuary (even though I'm pretty sure she ended up with that Garis guy idc I ship her with Hank)), and several more aha.

Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
I don't think so..

5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms.
L from Death Note, Sherlock, Alec from TMI, Ron, and Newt from Maze Runner.

3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
Malec, LxLight and Katniss an Peeta (just cause I haven't mentioned them yet aha).

A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
I don't think there are any, I have a shipping problem.

What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
I don't really have one. Most of the time the people I ship are quite a popular ship that other people ship. (So much ship).

So that's the end of the fandom tag. I hope you enjoyed it. Stay in school. Don't do drugs (unless you like them).

Claire :)

Friday 27 June 2014

I'm not Okay and I need a Job but I'll build a Fort

Good day friends! I have a few thing to tell you today in this post. First of all, I have another dog! She is a greyhound, like Ellie, and her name is Maya. She's been very nervous since we got her but she's slowly settling in, she likes cuddles. Unfortunately, due to the fact that she doesn't like going into the back garden, she had an accident in the living room this morning. Then my mum stood in it. It was not a pretty sight and it smelt really bad.

On Wednesday though, I went and saw the Fault in Our Stars with my friends. It was me, Amy, Paige, Elli, Lish, Maddy, Emma and Siobhan. The film was amazing (I won't spoil it for you so if you want to know any more then go and see it) and it was so nice to see my friends. I was sat between Lish and Paige which definitely made things interesting haha! I do miss my friends a lot now that I don't see them at sixth form, but it's nice that we all done something together.

My dad is now forcing my to get job seekers (yay) and so I am now waiting till my appointment at the bank to set up my bank account (because I don't have one) and then I shall be going to the job centre and hopefully start getting some money (mostly to pay my dad back and use to see my friends) whilst I try to get a job. Although finding a job is quite difficult and I am a very fussy person, so if I don't like the sound of something I might not apply for it.

I may try doing some more volunteer work at a charity store or something, just to gain more experience and to make my CV look better haha! Although, I am volunteering at RGT on Wednesdays and Thursdays I think that if I done something else it would make me seem less lazy and hopefully employers will actually want to employ me.

My parents want to get a caravan for holidays. They were going to go and look at one today but it got canceled which is disappointing because I was going to be home alone (which I enjoy because you can sing really loud and hog the TV) but they're going out all day tomorrow anyway. I'm excited for the caravan, although my sister has claimed top bunk. But I'm okay with that because I shall built a fort.

I hope you are all having a wonderful week, I know I am because the 5sos album comes out in a few days! Stay in school. Don't do drugs. Love you all!

Claire :)

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Drop Out who Misses her Friends and Loves 5sos

Hi there people of the internet! I haven't uploaded in quite some time. I have finished all my exams and I have now dropped out of sixth form. I've been applying to loads of different jobs but no one seems to want me. This means that my dad is now forcing me to go to the job centre and get job seekers money, which is something I really didn't want to do, but hopefully I won't have to do that for very long. I miss all my friends at sixth form so much! It gives me actual pain. I know that they miss me too, but it's not as bad for them because they have each other but I'm stuck not seeing any of my friends. I'm going to be volunteering at RGT to walk the greyhounds on Wednesdays which will make me feel better. The dogs shall be my new friends. (Not that anyone could ever actually replace my friends because they're all so amazing)

My sister is now 20 which is really weird because she's so short and immature. But then I remember that I turn 18 this year. Which is going to make me like an adult. I'm not ready for adulthood. What a bills? What is a mortgage? I'm not ready for the outside world. I'm still a child. I still use straws when I have a drink and I can't go to the doctors on my own. I don't want to grow up. Can I just be like Peter Pan and stay young forever?

On a happier note, my sister has preordered 5sos's album for me! I'm so excited! I've got the don't stop ep and I've been listening to it non stop! I also got retweeted by Kimmi Smiles who is one of my favourite youtubers ever and I am so happy about it! I got the first few game of thrones books too! I stated reading the first one the other day and it's really funny because in the book Jon Snow is supposed to be 14 ahaha!Those are probably the only good things that have happens the past month really.

Daily recommendation: You really should listen to 5sos's ep because it's amazing!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!Stay in school. Don't do drugs. Love you all!

 Claire :)

Monday 26 May 2014

The Sun Burns me and Amazon is a douche

I am burned. The sun is evil. I was out all day yesterday with my family, at a greyhound event, and I got sunburnt. It was quite a good day though I suppose. Had a burger and a cake and ice cream (I am gaining so much weight haha) and it was an okay day. Went for a lovely walk today with my dad, walked 2.3 ish miles so I am very proud of myself. Really tired now though, got to use my weights still today because I am going to work harder to lose some weight. (I shall say no more about that though as I keep telling you that I'm going to lose weight and then I don't but I'm really going to work hard this time)

My exams are almost over. Only one more left, which is maths C2. But I do have like two weeks to revise for it as I have half term and the exam is not until the 6th June. I don't think I've done very well at all in the exams that I have done. I'm pretty sure I have failed. I know that I'm going to drop out after my exams are over, but I did want to do well and I'm really disappointed in myself. But there's nothing I can do about it now, I just have to look forward and keep trying.

Unfortunately, City of Heavenly Fire, which I preordered ages ago, will not be arriving until more than 10 days after the release date because amazon is a douche. I am seriously annoyed about this because the whole plot will probably be spoiled for me by the internet and my friends (because lish normally does spoil the endings of books for me haha) and I have a week off this week which would have been ideal for me to be able to read it. But now it will probably arrive on the day that I have my exam and I won't be able to read it that day because my exam is in the afternoon. Ugggghhhhh. I bloody preordered it! This is not fair!

I finally forced my friend Amy to read the Fault in Our Stars. I'm not really sure how she feels about it. She texted me when she finished it and she seemed pretty annoyed about how it ended. Although most people are annoyed about what happens in TFIOS. I hope she didn't cry too much haha!

5sos' album comes out next month and I really want to preorder it, but I have no money and I owe my parents money right now too. Life is annoying. I am going to get my hair done on Friday, it's booked at the hairdressers and I'm really looking forward to it.

I hope you are all having a wonderful week and if you've preordered anything from amazon then I hope you get it on time. Stay in school. Don't do drugs. Love you!

Claire :)

Saturday 17 May 2014

The Terrible Stress of Exams and my Plans for Today

I had my second exam on Thursday, it was my sociology one. Unfortunately I feel as though I failed it. Really bad. I had a bit of a breakdown after the exam was over because I messed up a 24 mark question and I really wasn't sure about the others at all. I know that lots of people get stressed during exams and that a lot of people have to deal with a lot worse and I feel really bad that I got so worked up over it. But it just got to me and it put me into that state of mind where I feel like I might do something stupid so I went home. I am going to try not to get worked up over any of the other exams but I have a feeling that I will because of how worked up I got over the two that I've done so far. I am pretty sure that when I get my results in August they will all be U's. And I'm trying to convince myself that it will be okay and that if I fail it's not the end of the world. But know that that's exactly how I would feel, like it's the end of my world because I failed and I am a failure and I'm never going to succeed at anything in life.

Yesterday was a tough day, not for me but for one of my best friends. I won't name names because of privacy and stuff. But she basicly had a breakdown and we both left sixth form and went to the park and just chilled for like two hours. I always hate it when my friends are upset and I always try to be there for them. She's going through so much right now and I think she just needs someone to talk to about it, to get it off her chest. I really hope that things get better for her soon.

Today is the day I go back to blonde and I'm really excited. I shall be going to the city to get the colour stripping stuff, I really hope that it actually works and doesn't leave me with gross hair. So it's the last day (or more half a day) of me having purple hair. I'm saying goodbye to it, it will be missed. But I am glad I'm going back to blonde (not for the reasons that Elli thinks you dirty girl) and I'm dragging my sister with me to get the stuff and she's going to buy me a cup of tea while we're out.

I hope you all have a wonderful day, I know that I shall. Good luck with exams if you're taking some anytime soon, love you all. Stay in school, don't do drugs.

Claire :)

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Starting Exams from Hell and changing my Hair because I can so Deal with it

Started my exams yesterday. Had psychology. Didn't go too well. Bit disappointed. After it had finished tonnes of people were like "that was so easy" and "I aced that" and "it wasn't too bad at all" and I was like "I have failed." But I guess it's okay. I am a liar. It is not okay. People might think it is since I'm dropping out of sixth form after AS, but I still want to do well. I don't wan to fail. I know that I'm not going to do great, which is one of the reasons I am dropping out, but I'd still like to do kind of okay. I've got my first sociology exam tomorrow and I am so scared. I don't think I have revised enough and I'm pretty sure that will show in my results in August. But I'm trying to be positive. Although I am more of a pessimist so I'm finding it difficult to look on the bright side right now. I already know that all my friends are going to do amazing because they're all so smart and good at A Levels and it kind of makes me feel sad that I am the first of all my friends to kind of "give up" and I feel like they all think that I am pathetic because I "can't be bothered to carry on" or that I'm "too lazy to carry on" or something. I hope that they don't actually think that, but sometimes I'm worried that that's what they think.

In other news I shall be going back to blonde. *que dramatic gasps of shock* I know. It's been a while since I had my natural hair colour (not actually that long, only since like October) and it's going to be so weird once it's blonde again since I'm used to having it red or purple now. But it will be nice to go back. No more money spent of hair dye, not more long processes of dying it. It's been fun having different coloured hair, but I did kind of always plan on one day going back to my natural colour and I guess that's now. It may not be a while until it's back because I'm kind of broke right now, but once I can afford it I shall do it. Goodbye purple hair, I shall miss you. Another reason I kind of want to go back is because apparently the guy I like said that he preferred me with blonde hair (I'd just like to point out that this is in no way the main reason for me going back to blonde, it was just a bit of an incentive) and another guy said that he didn't like the purple too. So I shall be blonde again.

Now going to get back to revision. If any of you are doing exams then good luck, I hope you do well. Speak to you soon! Stay in school and don't do drugs. Love you!

Claire :)

Saturday 26 April 2014

Meeting Amazing Youtubers and Returning to the Dreaded place called Sixth Form

So last Tuesday, it was my friend Siobhan's birthday and we were all at the city. It was all fun, we went bowling and we were waiting to be able to go to Pizza Hut and waiting for Kezia. And as me and Lish were walking back to the bowling place to get Kez, I spotted two of our favourite youtubers, Tanya Burr and Jim Chapman. I literally had to drag lish over to them because she didn't believe me when I said that it was them. But it was them and we got pictures with them and it was so great.

I was incredibly socially awkward and Lish left me to do all the talking and I kind of rambled on about stuff. But it was so cool to finally meet people who are famous, or internet famous as Jim said. Me and Lish live in Norwich which is where they live too and we were both really lucky to just kind of see them as we were walking down the street. This was also one of the rare occasions that I have actually gone outside as I spend a lot of time inside on the internet and reading books haha! 

So if there is anyone famous who any of you guys want to meet never give up hope on actually meeting them. Also, if you haven't heard of Tanya or Jim then you should check out their YouTube channels and Tanya's make up. 

On a slightly sadder note. I went back to sixth form on Wednesday. It was horrible. I am really not enjoying it and I'm probably going to drop out after the exams anyway. I have this horrible feeling that I am going to fail my exams too because I am really struggling with all the stuff I have to revise. There is a lot that I need to know for the exams and I really don't think I'll know it all in time. Maths is the hardest, but I have a feeling that I'll fail the other two too.

I have constantly got past papers, homework and revision to do. It's a lot of hard work and I. Really do try to get as much done as I can. But it's mostly finding the motivation to actually do any work that I find difficult. I can barely find it in me to even get up in the morning, sixth form or no sixth form. But I know that a lot of people are finding sixth form tough and are going through a lot worse than I am so I don't want to complain. 

I hope you guys are all having a good week, I'll upload again soon (I hope) and I'll try not to complain in the next one! Love you all!

Claire :)

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Some Interesting Question Tag Thingy that I found on the Internet

I am a lazy person but I want to upload a post. So I found these questions and now I have answered them.

01: tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now? I don't even know to be honest.
02: what on your body is hurting or bothering you? My back hurts.
03: what was your last thought before going to bed last night? I am so tired and weddings are annoying.
04: what are you listening to? Fall out boy.
05: what’s something you’re not looking forward to? Exams.
06: where do you think your best friend is right now? At her house.
07: have you kissed anybody in the last five days? Nope.
08: sex on the first date? No.
09: kiss on the first date? Maybe.
10: is there one person you want to be with right now? Not really.
11: are you seriously happy with where you are in life? No.
12: is there something you would like to say to someone? To whoever invented maths, you are an ass.
13: what are three things you did today? Got up, ate chocolate, went on tumblr.
14: would you rather sleep at a friend’s or have them over? Go to theirs.
15: what is your favorite kind of gum? Minty.
16: are you friends with any of your ex boyfriends/ girlfriends? Sort of.
17: what is on your wrists right now? My moustache friendship bracelet.
18: ever liked someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with? Yes.
19: does anyone have strong feelings for you? Haha, no.
20: are you slowly drifting away from someone? Yes, Paige.
21: have you ever wasted your time on someone? All the time.
22: can you do the alphabet in sign language? Nope.
23: how have you felt today? Crap, but that's nothing new.
24: you receive £60 without any reason, what do you spend it on? Books.
25: what is wrong with you right now? Everything.
26: is there anyone you’re really disappointed in? Myself.
27: would you rather have starbucks or jamba juice right now? Don't know.
28: why aren’t you in ‘love’ with your last ex anymore? Never really was to be honest.
29: how late did you stay up last night and why? I can't remember but I went to a wedding yesterday.
30: when was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? Today.
31: what were you doing an hour ago? Revision or reading my book.
32: what are you looking forward to in the next month? Siobhan's birthday.
33: are you wearing jeans right now? No.
34: are you a patient person? Not really.
35: do you think you can last in a relationship for three months? Yes.
36: favourite colour? Green.
37: did you have a dream last night? Not that I can remember.
38: are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants? Leggings.
39: if someone could be cuddling you right now, who would you want it to be? Michael Clifford.
40: do you love anyone who is not related to you? My friends.
41: if someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? Depends who it is.
42: do you like meeting new people? Sometimes.
43: are you afraid of falling in love? Yes.
44: ever self-harmed or starved yourself? Yep.
45: has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes? A couple of people.
46: have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough? All the time.

Claire :)

Sunday 20 April 2014

Frozen is Great and the Blue Team Sucked but it's okay because Divergent was Amazing

Hello people if the world who read my blog! All three of you. It's been a busy two weeks, I hope you are all having a great Easter. I have a lot of little things to say in this post so I shall begin!

I slept round Lish's last Friday. We went shopping, where I bought presents for people and some hair dye. Then we sat on her bed and watched Frozen, which was amazing, Catching Fire and The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. Although I did fall asleep during City of Bones haha.

My hair is now a kind of plum colour I guess. It's really weird. But next time I will dye it proper purple. I'm really excited.

Elli and Maddy's birthday was great. We went to laser tag. I was on the blue team with Elli and others ( I am too lazy to name others sorry love you) but the red team won (red team was led by Maddy). Our team even had this random guy who was like pro or something. It was so much fun though. Paige shot me 65 times and we were on the same team! That is true friendship right there. Then we went to Pizza Hut. But me and Paige had McDonalds and just ate it at Pizza Hut with the others. I got a balloon (I am not a child okay I just like balloons) and Paige won a McFlurry on her McFlurry. I still can't believe Elli is 17 now, she looks about 14 because she's so small.

The day after their actual Birthday we went and saw Divergent (minus Elli and quite a few other people) which was amazing! I had read the book and the film almost lived up to my high expectations. However, you did not get to see Peter stab Edward in the eye (you actually don't even meet Edward) and they did not mention Dauntless cake! Other than that it was completely amazing!

I was going to go to a sociology revision session at sixth form on Wednesday with Amy, but I had to cancel and I felt really bad about abandoning Amy. I am so sorry Amy. I love you.

I went to a wedding yesterday. I was supposed to go with my mum, dad and sister. But my sister got ill right before we had to leave so her and my mum stayed behind and I went with my dad. The only people I actually knew at this wedding was my dad, nanny and grandad. It was my dad's cousins wedding and I had never met her before so I felt really awkward about being there. I was also forced to socialise at this event. Which was horrible. However, it was nice to spend some time with my dad since most of the time either he's working or I'm at sixth form.

Speaking of sixth form. I feel so unprepared for my exams next month. I know practically nothing. Don't get me wrong, I have done some revision. It's just finding motivation for anything. I have been having a lot of trouble with motivation lately. I have also got a few other problems (that's a great way of wording it Claire) that still haven't been dealt with, at all. These problems seem to be getting worse and more difficult to control.

Today is Easter so I'll leave you by saying that I have eaten way too much chocolate and feel a bit sick now. But it's Easter so I have an excuse. I hope you are all having a wonderful day and enjoy all your chocolate (or whatever you got for Easter because some people don't eat chocolate) and I'll speak to you all soon!

Claire :)

Wednesday 9 April 2014

That Day that you're Born on and Therefore you Celebrate on that Day every Year

   Birthdays. I am talking about this now because there are so many people I know that have birthdays this month and the beginning of next month. The whole point of a birthday is to celebrate the day that someone was born. Why? I'll never know. So many people are born every day and people die too. Yet we still celebrate the day of someone's birth every single year. We buy them gifts and throw them parties. Why? It's so pointless. You just end up spending tonnes of money on presents for people every time someone you're close to has their birthday. I lose about 60% of the money I earn each year on buying presents for other people. When I could be spending that money on more important things (like books) instead. I understand that it's nice to have a bit of a yay when people are born and I guess it's nice to give people gifts, but it just costs so much money, money that I don't have.

"Congratulations on being born exactly *insert age* many years ago, without dying yet. I am so very happy for you, here, have a gift. Well done on being born. Go you!"

   I do celebrate peoples birthdays though. I buy them presents and do all the things I am expected to do on these occasions. However, I am incredibly bad at buying presents. I don't have much money so I can never buy them anything that they really want or anything that is actually good enough for them. I also never know what to buy people. For example, it's my friend Paige's birthday on the 1st of May and I have begun to think about what to get her. "Cats, England and The Script." That is my list of ideas. It's very short and doesn't actually give me an idea of what to get her. She's one of my bestest friends ever, my zero best friend, and she made me this wonderful collage of pictures of me and all my friends for my birthday and I know that nothing I get her will be as amazing or meaningful.

   I also have the problem that most of the time I leave buying presents till the last minute. Which is all my own fault and I know that I shouldn't but I do. It's not that I don't start looking for a present till the last minute, it's just that nothing I see is ever good enough. It's one of my best friends birthday next Monday, Elli's birthday, and I haven't got her present yet because nothing I see is good enough for her. I'm trying to find the PERFECT present for her, but nothing is perfect enough. Not as perfect as her. I don't want to just give her any old present, I hate giving people meaningless presents but I'm just so bad at finding good presents for people.

   Then there are people who "outdo" other people when it comes to presents. This may be because one person has more money than the other and therefore they can afford better presents. Or because they're just naturally really good at knowing what people will want. Or they just get lucky and find the perfect present. Then the other person feels really bad because their present isn't as good and I hate that. That's why sometimes I hate the idea of presents because some people just end up feeling really bad about the quality of the presents that they get people. And it shouldn't be so much about presents, it should be about appreciating the person and being happy that they're in your life and telling them how much you love them, not how much you can spend on them.

   I do hope that all my friends and family who have a birthday coming up have a wonderful time. I hope they all know how much I love them, and I'm sorry if the presents I get up you suck. Love you all!

Claire :)

Saturday 5 April 2014

Hey Guys I'm not Dead and I've Actually Uploaded for Once

Hello. I have not posted in so long and I apologise for that. I've been quite busy with sixth form and I've been a bit ill lately. First I would like to tell you how I got on in my A level mock exams. In sociology I got a C which I am very happy with. In psychology I got a D and I was one make from a C which is annoying but okay. And in maths I got a U. But I did retake one of my maths papers and got a B in it which is a miracle that I don't think will happen in the actual exams. I have decided that I will not being continuing through to A2. Sixth form is just not for me, I'm not enjoying it, I feel stuck. I really just hate it. So I'll probably be dropping out after I've finished all my exams. Therefor pretty soon I will be looking for a nice full time job to keep me going till I decide what I want to do.

I have had a few days off this week. I will not go into details about why but I did have to go to the hospital and they were all like right now you must go and sort stuff out with your local GP and so we went to my local doctors, saw a doctor, but he was rubbish and nothing has been sorted out. And now I am just really pissed off because nothing is being done about it and it's just getting worse.

On a brighter note, some exciting events are happening this month. First of all, my dad's birthday which is on the 9th. Then there's Elli and Maddy's birthdays which are on the same day, the 14th (send them both tonnes of amazing presents guys!!) and I am going to the laser tag on the 14th and seeing Divergent on the 15th. So that's going to be really fun. Then there's Siobhan's birthday on the 22nd where we'll be going bowling and having pizza. Finally, Paige's birthday, which isn't actually till the 1st of May. She's having a massive sleepover again in the big teepee on the 3rd and 4th of May. So I am really excited for all these amazing things that are all birthdays. I am also planning on going round Lish's for a sleepover too but I'm not sure when yet and I'm going to a wedding on the 19th. So it's a very busy month.

I've got tonnes of revision to do this month as my first exam is on the 13th of May. I'm really scared for the exams, but I'm a bit more chilled about it than I would be if I really wanted to do A2. So I'm not freaking out as much, but I still want to do well even if I'm going to drop out after I've finished the year.

Game of Thrones season 4 starts on Monday and I am so excited! Recently got my mum season 3 on blu ray for Mother's Day, we had watched it on TV before obviously but we had to get it on DVD too. I'm wondering what's going to happen now that half of the main charactes are dead. Have you guys heard She Looks So Perfect by 5sos? It's amazing! If you haven't you should listen to it. And buy their ep.

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll try to update a bit more often. Love you all, see you soon!

Claire :)

Friday 7 March 2014

'The Ranting Games' or Better Known as 'My Rant about the Hunger Games'

   I have recently finished reading the Hunger Games series and it was amazing. I had seen the first two films before I read them, as I have had so much to read lately, and I enjoyed the first two books a bit more than I did the films. This is mostly because you get a more in depth view of Katniss' emotions which you don't get so much in the films. And now for my official rant about the first book haha! (The rant does not take into account anything that happens after the first book)


   Okay, to begin with I shall discuss the whole 'should Katniss be with Peeta or Gale' debate. Don't get me wrong, I love Gale, it's just that I prefer Katniss with Peeta. He has been in love with her since they were 5 years old. They saved each other numerous times in the games and they grew so close to one another. I think that Katniss just needs to admit that she does love him. She's just confused because she's just been in the Hunger Games. All of her actions in the games, calling out his name when she found out that they could both win and the way she risked her own life to save him, all indicate that she loves him. I understand that they've both been through hell but they both gained one good thing from the games, they gained each other.

  I understand that the games are there for a reason, that the Capitol must keep control of the districts and everything. But why has no one tried to stop the games from taking place? Surely not everyone in the Capitol wants to watch teenagers and children fight to death in an arena. I know that I wouldn't want to watch it. Are the people there really that messed up? Do they really not care at all? I just find it so hard to believe that so many people would just sit back and do nothing about the games at all. I know that it would be really difficult to try to stop the games, but they could at least try.

   Rue. Why must authors kill people? Especially the most loveable ones. Rue was brilliant. She was also 12 years old. I guess her death was a way of showing how ruthless the Capitol are and that even the most innocent and kind people can be killed for no real reason. The scene of her death was heartbreaking. I cried so much, even though I'd seen the film so I know what was going to happen. The scene was just so much more emotional in the book as you knew how Katniss was feeling, what she was thinking, and it just hit you a lot harder. It was definitely my least favourite part of the book.

   Can I also just say that I can't believe each year all the tributes just go along with the games and try to kill one another. Why don't they all just agree not to kill each other? Would that not work? Would the Capitol just kill them all instead? I don't know. I think some of the tributes can be really quite ruthless too. I mean take Cato for example, he got in a mood and just snapped some poor kid's neck. It's just so rude. How can someone be like that? It's quite disturbing really. I would not want to fight him in the games. How lucky was Katniss though? I think quite a bit of it was luck. She was lucky to not be killed at the very beginning, then she was lucky that the nest was near her in the tree so she could escape. It's a whole load of amazing miraculous luck!
   I have now begun reading the second book and I will probably rant about that too when I finish it haha! If you haven't read the Hunger Games I suggest you do because you're really missing out on an amazing book.

Claire :)

Thursday 6 March 2014

The Eternal Rant of the Infernal Devices but Only the First Two Books


   I'd just like to rant a bit about the infernal devices, the first two books, clockwork angel and clockwork prince. 

   First of all, FUCK THE FACT THAT JEM IS DYING. This is not fair. At all. I LOVE Jem. He is amazing and wonderful and attractive and he should not die. He's too good to die. Why do these authors always kill my favourite characters? (One of the many reasons I am scared about CoHF) You have no right, Cassandra Clare, to KILL these wonderful characters that you have created. Especially the BEST characters, okay?
   Secondly, as much as I love Jem, I ship Tessa with Will. So I am NOT happy about the engagement. Tessa should be with Will for crying out loud. After all that he's been through, not being able to get too close to people and having to push Tessa away even though he loves her, he deserves some happiness. I know that Jem is dying, which sucks, but I honestly prefer Tessa with Will. Even if Will can be extremely rude and annoying sometimes.
   Thirdly, why did Jessamine have to be such a *insert really bad word that I will not say* I mean, after everything Charlotte and Henry had done for her. Seriously? Plus Nate was really horrible to her and then she went and married him. He's dead now though so I guess I feel kind of bad for her, but she's still pissed me off. SO RUDE. 

   On a good note, Henry and Charlotte. I Abserloutly LOVE HENRY. I think he's brilliant and he's one of my most favourite characters ever. They both actually think that the other one doesn't actually love them and then we find out that they do both love each other and I think it's so sweet. 
   Also, Sophie and Gideon. Can I please just tell you how much I ship these two. It's just so sweet that he's a shadowhunter and she's a mundane maid. They fit together so well, even if his brother and father both annoy me. I am just wondering how their relationship is going to work out, I really hope they stay together. 
   Finally, DEMON POX! I knew it was real. I called it. In the first book I totally called it. It sounds really gross though. I loved how happy Will was when he found out that it was real, his reaction was quite similar to mine haha! It was one of my favourite moments in the second book. 

   Sorry for ranting, but I just had to get it all out of my system. Hope you all have a great days stay in school. Read books. Don't do drugs.

Claire :)

The Most Amazing Concert in the History of the Universe

   Sup guys? First of all I would like to apologise for not having updated in ages. I have had my mock exams so I’ve been a bit busy, but they’re over now so I am going to try to write more for my blog. I am currently waiting for the results of my mocks and I’m pretty sure that I have failed most of them, especially maths. I have always found A-level maths really hard and I have received quite a few U’s in my work, so I’m pretty sure I’ve failed the mocks.

   On a happier note, I saw 5sos last week! Omg they were amazing! Mike Dignam, the opening act was awesome too. He’s coming back to Norwich in July and I really want to go and see him, but I don’t know if I’ll be able too. When 5sos actually came on stage everyone rushed forward and it was so crowded in the middle and so crazy. I had such an amazing time though! I took tonnes of pictures, but they’re not too good so I won’t post them on here/ But I was quite close to the front, kind of near the middle, but slightly closer to the front. My sister kind of ditched me, but I made several new friends, including this girl called India. It was her first concert too and we had loads in common. I was so lucky to of had her there as otherwise I probably would have been alone. I’m pretty sure Michael Clifford gave me a thumbs up which I got a really bad blurry picture of. But he noticed me so that’s amazing! They were so good live and I just want to go back and see them all over again.
I didn’t get too meet them afterwards as they left straight after it finished and I had to queue up to get a t-shirt and poster. I am so glad I got the t-shirt and poster though, plus there probably would have been too many people there for me to actually meet them anyway. Overall it was incredible, even if it didn’t end till nearly 11pm and I had an exam the next day haha!

   They did say that they wanted to come back to Norwich again one day and I really hope that they do as I would love to see them again. I would get there a lot earlier next time to be closer to the front. My sister forgot her ticket after we left to go there the first time so we had to go back so she could get it. How on earth can you forget your damn ticket when you’re going to a concert?! But once we got there we kind of just pushed our way through to the middle, near the front. I was a little bit taller than most of the people that were there so I could kind of see over lots of people’s heads, mostly because a lot of them were a bit younger than me too. They even brought a girl on stage and I was so jealous, but happy for her at the same time. At one point someone was actually throwing chicken nuggets on the stage which was hilarious!

Claire :)

Thursday 20 February 2014


Okay so I have a week off this week, as it's half term, and I thought "brilliant a week off to revise for my mocks" as my mock exams are next week. So far though, it has not gone to plan.

On Monday, I went shopping with Lish, which I told you about. So therefore I didn't really have much revision time then because I was out and then I was getting my hair done. On Tuesday I had a bunch (a bunch is seven) of friends round to do revision. But as you can guess, not a lot of revision got done with eight of us in my living room eating pizza and playing games. But nevertheless I did have lots of fun and I'm glad I had them round. (I'm so sorry you couldn't make it Amy, I love you!) Wednesday, I went round my grandparents and we went into town and had lunch and went to a few shops. So I didn't get a lot of revision done then either.

Today, I am hoping to actually get quite a bit of revision done because I really don't want to fail my mocks. I know that I need to revise maths the most because it is the most difficult subject that I am taking. I also really want to watch the Brits today because I could watch it last night because I was watching Waterloo Road and then I was really tired so I went to bed (it's really sad that I went to bed at 9pm when I don't even have sixth form the next day) but I recorded it. However I have to get some revision done first because it's more important.

It is one week till I go and see 5sos and it just doesn't seem real. I don't think it's hit me yet that I'm going to see my all time favourite band ever in exactly seven days. I have a feeling that it won't actually hit me until the day of the concert an I'll have a massive freak out about it and probably end up having a heart attack on the way there or something.

I hope you all have a wonderful day! Stay in school and don't do drugs. Byeee!

Claire :)

Wednesday 19 February 2014


Uglies is a brilliant book. It's by Scott Westerfeld and it's part of a trilogy. I got this book because it had a Hunger Games reference on the front, it sounded really good (going by the blurb) and the cover looked really cool.

It's set in the future and it's about this girl called Tally. She is an Ugly. The next step for her in her life is to become a Pretty. This involves reaching 16 and then having an operation to make her 'pretty'. Becoming Pretty is all Tally has ever wanted and she doesn't have long to go before she is 16. However, when she befriends Shay, a girl with whom shares the same birthday as her. She begins to question becoming Pretty. When Shay runs away Tally is forced to choose between turning her friend in or never becoming pretty.

When I first started this book I was really intrigued as to what exactly it was about and what would happen. Even after the first chapter I had my doubts about the idea of 'pretties'. I thought the whole idea of it was barbaric. Having an operation just to make you look better, like everyone else. I did understand why Tally would want to become pretty though, as I myself hate the way I look.

It's a really interesting and unusual plot line. I've never read anything like Uglies. I truly felt sorry for Tally when she had to choose between betraying her friend and never becoming pretty. In a way, I feel like it symbolises the way the media try to make us believe that we have to look a certain way to be accepted, like the Uglies have to become Pretty. But that's just me getting too far into it.

I have now bought the second book entitles Pretties which I am really looking forward to reading at some point as I have so meany new books that I need to read now! I definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes futuristic and YA books because it is amazing.

Claire :)


I read Divergent several weeks ago. I read it in a day, it was that good. I'd heard quite a bit about it, from friends and on the internet too, so I thought I'd see what it was like. It is also being made into a film which will come out this year so I really wanted to read it before seeing it at the cinema.

It's a futuristic book which is based around a girl called Tris, or Beatrice. Once you are in your last year of school, when you are 16, you have to choose a faction. There are five factions; Abnegation, Erudite, Amity, Candor and Dauntless. Beatrice, along with the rest of her year group must take a test to discover which faction they truly belong in. When Beatrice takes her test, Tori, the woman testing her, tells her that she is Divergent. This means that she does not belong in any particular faction because she has qualities from several.

She then has to choose for herself where she wants to go. If she wants to leave Abnegation and her family or not. She chooses Dauntless. Dauntless proves to be quite a challenge for Tris and she must overcome many fears and obsticals. Along the way she meets Four and she ends up falling for him. She must face her deepest fears and build up her strength to fit in to Dauntless. Along the way she has to hide the fact that she is divergent as if people were to find out then it would not end well.

I really loved this book because it really drags you into the story and I made me feel worried about Tris' problems and I began stressing over them when they weren't even my problems at all! It is a brilliant read and I recommend it to anyone who likes futuristic YA books and I garuntee by the end you will want the next book in the series!

Claire :)

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Updates on my world

First of all I would like to apologise for not having updated in so long. Everything in my life has been a bit hectic lately and I've rarely had the time or the motivation to write anything. But I am back now to annoy you with my ramblings about my terribly boring life!

First of all, my new dog Ellie is wonderful. Although she cries if you leave her alone and she has peed on the carpet numerous times and she was sick yesterday and I said to my mum "is that supposed to be there?" Which was a pretty stupid question because it clearly wasn't. But she is getting much more used to us and our house now, she is very weird, even for a dog.

Next week is my mock exams (yaaaay!) which I am so nervous about. I'm so sure that I am going to fail the maths ones as I have got quite a lot of U's in the work we have done and I know that I'm terrible at it. If I do fail maths then I'll probably have to drop out of sixth form and cr in a ditch somewhere for the rest of my life.

I'm doing this revision day thingy with some of my friends today at my house which will be fun. I hope. I've been tidying up the house a bit this morning for when they get here and I hope they appreciate my efforts. We will mostly be revising psychology as most of us (by most of us I mean all of us apart from lish) do psychology. I will not lie, I haven't done much revision yet this week but I will.

I was at the city yesterday with Lish and I finally got my jacket for the concert (the 5sos concert next week) so now I have the whole outfit! I also got myself aaa other rubber from blott, a pink bird and I have added it to my collection. When I was in HMV I found a wonderful All Time Low poster which is now on my wall in my room and might I say that it is beautiful. I also got some red hair dye to redo my hair as my roots were really bad so now my hair is nice and freshly red which is just in time for the concert next week!

I hope you all have a wonderful week, I will try to update more now! Love you all!

Claire :)

Sunday 19 January 2014

General Life Update

There were quite a few days when I didn't blog. I'm sorry about that, it's for personal reasons. Anyway I'm going to try to blog everyday now if I can, I'll probably only end up blogging once every few days but I will try my best.

We should be getting our new greyhound Ellie within a week which is really exciting! We're in the process of getting everything ready for when she gets here. We got a new dog bed for her and my mum brought a book about greyhounds since we've never had one before, only a collie. So hopefully by this time next week she will be here with us and I will blog all about her, including pictures. 

I've spent a lot of time reading lately. I finally finished the Mortal Instruments series, which was incredible, but I need Malec to get back together! I also read Divergent. I ended up reading that in a day because it was so good. I'm going to have to get the other two books in the series. I highly recommend Divergent to anyone and everyone who likes reading. I am now reading Uglies which is very good and it's another futuristic book which has been compared to the Hunger Games apparently. I really like it so far and I can't wait to find out what happens.

Sixth form requires a bit of catching up right now as I had a day off and I've also had a rough time lately, making it difficult to get work done. Especially with the mock exams next month I really need to get on top of all my work. I am finding maths very difficult though with I suppose is why it's the homework I always leave till last as I kind of hate it, but I can't drop it and I really want to do well because I don't want to have to retake the whole year just because of maths.

I got myself a iPhone a couple of weeks ago too. It's a 'long term loan' according to my dad. It's brilliant though, because I have had a iPad for a while so I'm used to apple products. I also got myself a wonderful TARDIS case for it which is incredibly cool! I got a new bag too, for sixth form. It's a Sherlock bag and it says "I am SHER locked" which is just awesome! There are tonnes of books and CDs I want right now, but I have to hold back because I can't spend all my money.

I hope you guys are all having a brilliant January so far! And if you're not then I'm sure it will get better, we all have to think positive!

Claire :)

The Mortal Instruments ramble

This is going to contin spoilers about the Mortal Instruments series.

I have now read all five books and I don't even have words for how amazing they are. I read the first four in just over a week but then I had to go back to sixth form so it took me a bit longer to read the fith one. The sixth, and final book comes out in May which is going to feel like forever.

I hated the whole 'Jace and Clary are brother and sister' thing in the first few books because it was just horrible. I really wanted it to be a lie and then I found out that it was a lie and I was over the moon. But then they had to go and let Jace get all possessed by Lilith and I was angry again. Then he was linked to Sebastion and it all irritates me. Can they please just let Jace and Clary be together and happily?

Okay so now let's talk about Malec aka Magnus and Alec. I love these two so much! I am beyond pissed off about the end of City of Lost Souls. I ended up curled up in a ball on the floor rocking back and fourth chanting "why why why why" of about seven hours. It was the fact that their relationship was a secret because Alec didn't want people to know that he was gay because it's looked down on. Plus Magnus is a warlock, a downworlder, and people don't approve of Shadowhunters being with downworlders. Alec nearly died in the first book and Magnus saved his life. Then in City if Glass the wards were broken ad the whole city was under attack, but Alec just wanted to know why Magnus hadn't called him back. Then Magnus told Alec that he loved him. Then they were together for a while and it was adorable, then Alec tried to look for a way for them to be together for a long time because Magnus is immortal. And you get a jealous Alec when he meets one of Magnus' exes. But the it all gets ruined. They break up. And I cried.

I didn't really see Simon and Izzy together throughout the first few books. But it was mostly in City of Lost Souls that I really began to like the idea of them being together because I thought they were so cute. Plus you have the whole, Izzy being afraid to love anyone and Simon trying to deal with being a vampire.

In the sixth book, apparently six named characters die. I am in denil about believing that it might be Alec or Magnus because if it is then I will probably jump off a cliff. I'm hoping it's going to be people that I either don't like or people that we don't really know too well. And if Malec to not get back together then I will cry for years and if something stops Jace and Clary from being together agin I will punch someone.

Claire :)