Monday 26 May 2014

The Sun Burns me and Amazon is a douche

I am burned. The sun is evil. I was out all day yesterday with my family, at a greyhound event, and I got sunburnt. It was quite a good day though I suppose. Had a burger and a cake and ice cream (I am gaining so much weight haha) and it was an okay day. Went for a lovely walk today with my dad, walked 2.3 ish miles so I am very proud of myself. Really tired now though, got to use my weights still today because I am going to work harder to lose some weight. (I shall say no more about that though as I keep telling you that I'm going to lose weight and then I don't but I'm really going to work hard this time)

My exams are almost over. Only one more left, which is maths C2. But I do have like two weeks to revise for it as I have half term and the exam is not until the 6th June. I don't think I've done very well at all in the exams that I have done. I'm pretty sure I have failed. I know that I'm going to drop out after my exams are over, but I did want to do well and I'm really disappointed in myself. But there's nothing I can do about it now, I just have to look forward and keep trying.

Unfortunately, City of Heavenly Fire, which I preordered ages ago, will not be arriving until more than 10 days after the release date because amazon is a douche. I am seriously annoyed about this because the whole plot will probably be spoiled for me by the internet and my friends (because lish normally does spoil the endings of books for me haha) and I have a week off this week which would have been ideal for me to be able to read it. But now it will probably arrive on the day that I have my exam and I won't be able to read it that day because my exam is in the afternoon. Ugggghhhhh. I bloody preordered it! This is not fair!

I finally forced my friend Amy to read the Fault in Our Stars. I'm not really sure how she feels about it. She texted me when she finished it and she seemed pretty annoyed about how it ended. Although most people are annoyed about what happens in TFIOS. I hope she didn't cry too much haha!

5sos' album comes out next month and I really want to preorder it, but I have no money and I owe my parents money right now too. Life is annoying. I am going to get my hair done on Friday, it's booked at the hairdressers and I'm really looking forward to it.

I hope you are all having a wonderful week and if you've preordered anything from amazon then I hope you get it on time. Stay in school. Don't do drugs. Love you!

Claire :)

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