Tuesday 17 June 2014

Drop Out who Misses her Friends and Loves 5sos

Hi there people of the internet! I haven't uploaded in quite some time. I have finished all my exams and I have now dropped out of sixth form. I've been applying to loads of different jobs but no one seems to want me. This means that my dad is now forcing me to go to the job centre and get job seekers money, which is something I really didn't want to do, but hopefully I won't have to do that for very long. I miss all my friends at sixth form so much! It gives me actual pain. I know that they miss me too, but it's not as bad for them because they have each other but I'm stuck not seeing any of my friends. I'm going to be volunteering at RGT to walk the greyhounds on Wednesdays which will make me feel better. The dogs shall be my new friends. (Not that anyone could ever actually replace my friends because they're all so amazing)

My sister is now 20 which is really weird because she's so short and immature. But then I remember that I turn 18 this year. Which is going to make me like an adult. I'm not ready for adulthood. What a bills? What is a mortgage? I'm not ready for the outside world. I'm still a child. I still use straws when I have a drink and I can't go to the doctors on my own. I don't want to grow up. Can I just be like Peter Pan and stay young forever?

On a happier note, my sister has preordered 5sos's album for me! I'm so excited! I've got the don't stop ep and I've been listening to it non stop! I also got retweeted by Kimmi Smiles who is one of my favourite youtubers ever and I am so happy about it! I got the first few game of thrones books too! I stated reading the first one the other day and it's really funny because in the book Jon Snow is supposed to be 14 ahaha!Those are probably the only good things that have happens the past month really.

Daily recommendation: You really should listen to 5sos's ep because it's amazing!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!Stay in school. Don't do drugs. Love you all!

 Claire :)

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