Wednesday 14 May 2014

Starting Exams from Hell and changing my Hair because I can so Deal with it

Started my exams yesterday. Had psychology. Didn't go too well. Bit disappointed. After it had finished tonnes of people were like "that was so easy" and "I aced that" and "it wasn't too bad at all" and I was like "I have failed." But I guess it's okay. I am a liar. It is not okay. People might think it is since I'm dropping out of sixth form after AS, but I still want to do well. I don't wan to fail. I know that I'm not going to do great, which is one of the reasons I am dropping out, but I'd still like to do kind of okay. I've got my first sociology exam tomorrow and I am so scared. I don't think I have revised enough and I'm pretty sure that will show in my results in August. But I'm trying to be positive. Although I am more of a pessimist so I'm finding it difficult to look on the bright side right now. I already know that all my friends are going to do amazing because they're all so smart and good at A Levels and it kind of makes me feel sad that I am the first of all my friends to kind of "give up" and I feel like they all think that I am pathetic because I "can't be bothered to carry on" or that I'm "too lazy to carry on" or something. I hope that they don't actually think that, but sometimes I'm worried that that's what they think.

In other news I shall be going back to blonde. *que dramatic gasps of shock* I know. It's been a while since I had my natural hair colour (not actually that long, only since like October) and it's going to be so weird once it's blonde again since I'm used to having it red or purple now. But it will be nice to go back. No more money spent of hair dye, not more long processes of dying it. It's been fun having different coloured hair, but I did kind of always plan on one day going back to my natural colour and I guess that's now. It may not be a while until it's back because I'm kind of broke right now, but once I can afford it I shall do it. Goodbye purple hair, I shall miss you. Another reason I kind of want to go back is because apparently the guy I like said that he preferred me with blonde hair (I'd just like to point out that this is in no way the main reason for me going back to blonde, it was just a bit of an incentive) and another guy said that he didn't like the purple too. So I shall be blonde again.

Now going to get back to revision. If any of you are doing exams then good luck, I hope you do well. Speak to you soon! Stay in school and don't do drugs. Love you!

Claire :)

1 comment:

  1. I knew you were going back to blonde for le sex! Love you really Clive x
