Saturday 26 April 2014

Meeting Amazing Youtubers and Returning to the Dreaded place called Sixth Form

So last Tuesday, it was my friend Siobhan's birthday and we were all at the city. It was all fun, we went bowling and we were waiting to be able to go to Pizza Hut and waiting for Kezia. And as me and Lish were walking back to the bowling place to get Kez, I spotted two of our favourite youtubers, Tanya Burr and Jim Chapman. I literally had to drag lish over to them because she didn't believe me when I said that it was them. But it was them and we got pictures with them and it was so great.

I was incredibly socially awkward and Lish left me to do all the talking and I kind of rambled on about stuff. But it was so cool to finally meet people who are famous, or internet famous as Jim said. Me and Lish live in Norwich which is where they live too and we were both really lucky to just kind of see them as we were walking down the street. This was also one of the rare occasions that I have actually gone outside as I spend a lot of time inside on the internet and reading books haha! 

So if there is anyone famous who any of you guys want to meet never give up hope on actually meeting them. Also, if you haven't heard of Tanya or Jim then you should check out their YouTube channels and Tanya's make up. 

On a slightly sadder note. I went back to sixth form on Wednesday. It was horrible. I am really not enjoying it and I'm probably going to drop out after the exams anyway. I have this horrible feeling that I am going to fail my exams too because I am really struggling with all the stuff I have to revise. There is a lot that I need to know for the exams and I really don't think I'll know it all in time. Maths is the hardest, but I have a feeling that I'll fail the other two too.

I have constantly got past papers, homework and revision to do. It's a lot of hard work and I. Really do try to get as much done as I can. But it's mostly finding the motivation to actually do any work that I find difficult. I can barely find it in me to even get up in the morning, sixth form or no sixth form. But I know that a lot of people are finding sixth form tough and are going through a lot worse than I am so I don't want to complain. 

I hope you guys are all having a good week, I'll upload again soon (I hope) and I'll try not to complain in the next one! Love you all!

Claire :)

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