Saturday 5 April 2014

Hey Guys I'm not Dead and I've Actually Uploaded for Once

Hello. I have not posted in so long and I apologise for that. I've been quite busy with sixth form and I've been a bit ill lately. First I would like to tell you how I got on in my A level mock exams. In sociology I got a C which I am very happy with. In psychology I got a D and I was one make from a C which is annoying but okay. And in maths I got a U. But I did retake one of my maths papers and got a B in it which is a miracle that I don't think will happen in the actual exams. I have decided that I will not being continuing through to A2. Sixth form is just not for me, I'm not enjoying it, I feel stuck. I really just hate it. So I'll probably be dropping out after I've finished all my exams. Therefor pretty soon I will be looking for a nice full time job to keep me going till I decide what I want to do.

I have had a few days off this week. I will not go into details about why but I did have to go to the hospital and they were all like right now you must go and sort stuff out with your local GP and so we went to my local doctors, saw a doctor, but he was rubbish and nothing has been sorted out. And now I am just really pissed off because nothing is being done about it and it's just getting worse.

On a brighter note, some exciting events are happening this month. First of all, my dad's birthday which is on the 9th. Then there's Elli and Maddy's birthdays which are on the same day, the 14th (send them both tonnes of amazing presents guys!!) and I am going to the laser tag on the 14th and seeing Divergent on the 15th. So that's going to be really fun. Then there's Siobhan's birthday on the 22nd where we'll be going bowling and having pizza. Finally, Paige's birthday, which isn't actually till the 1st of May. She's having a massive sleepover again in the big teepee on the 3rd and 4th of May. So I am really excited for all these amazing things that are all birthdays. I am also planning on going round Lish's for a sleepover too but I'm not sure when yet and I'm going to a wedding on the 19th. So it's a very busy month.

I've got tonnes of revision to do this month as my first exam is on the 13th of May. I'm really scared for the exams, but I'm a bit more chilled about it than I would be if I really wanted to do A2. So I'm not freaking out as much, but I still want to do well even if I'm going to drop out after I've finished the year.

Game of Thrones season 4 starts on Monday and I am so excited! Recently got my mum season 3 on blu ray for Mother's Day, we had watched it on TV before obviously but we had to get it on DVD too. I'm wondering what's going to happen now that half of the main charactes are dead. Have you guys heard She Looks So Perfect by 5sos? It's amazing! If you haven't you should listen to it. And buy their ep.

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll try to update a bit more often. Love you all, see you soon!

Claire :)

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