Saturday 17 May 2014

The Terrible Stress of Exams and my Plans for Today

I had my second exam on Thursday, it was my sociology one. Unfortunately I feel as though I failed it. Really bad. I had a bit of a breakdown after the exam was over because I messed up a 24 mark question and I really wasn't sure about the others at all. I know that lots of people get stressed during exams and that a lot of people have to deal with a lot worse and I feel really bad that I got so worked up over it. But it just got to me and it put me into that state of mind where I feel like I might do something stupid so I went home. I am going to try not to get worked up over any of the other exams but I have a feeling that I will because of how worked up I got over the two that I've done so far. I am pretty sure that when I get my results in August they will all be U's. And I'm trying to convince myself that it will be okay and that if I fail it's not the end of the world. But know that that's exactly how I would feel, like it's the end of my world because I failed and I am a failure and I'm never going to succeed at anything in life.

Yesterday was a tough day, not for me but for one of my best friends. I won't name names because of privacy and stuff. But she basicly had a breakdown and we both left sixth form and went to the park and just chilled for like two hours. I always hate it when my friends are upset and I always try to be there for them. She's going through so much right now and I think she just needs someone to talk to about it, to get it off her chest. I really hope that things get better for her soon.

Today is the day I go back to blonde and I'm really excited. I shall be going to the city to get the colour stripping stuff, I really hope that it actually works and doesn't leave me with gross hair. So it's the last day (or more half a day) of me having purple hair. I'm saying goodbye to it, it will be missed. But I am glad I'm going back to blonde (not for the reasons that Elli thinks you dirty girl) and I'm dragging my sister with me to get the stuff and she's going to buy me a cup of tea while we're out.

I hope you all have a wonderful day, I know that I shall. Good luck with exams if you're taking some anytime soon, love you all. Stay in school, don't do drugs.

Claire :)

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