Tuesday 14 October 2014

The Maze Runner Ramble

The maze runner is one of my favourite book series's of ALL TIME! I remember that I started reading it because I had lent my friends two of my books (TID incase you're wondering) and she was like "since you've lent me two of your books, would you like to borrow one of mine?" And thus she lent me TMR and I read it. Obviously.

From the first chapter I was hooked. Who can resist a book about a bunch of (gay) guys stuck in a maze with no apparent way out? Not me. So I was struggling with trying to read it and get my work done (I was still at hell *ahem* I mean sixth form at the time) but I read it within a week I think and then had to wait to borrow the second one.

My favourite character became Newt at some point during the first book (with Minho following in a close second) and thankfully it didn't take me too long to catch on to the slang in the book, such as shank and greenie. I really love the slang, I think it's great and I constantly call my sister a shank and she doesn't understand what it means. But I do miss Chuck and Alby, and I always will. I cried so much when they both died, I was like a water fountain, only less pretty.

The second book, the scorch trials, was also amazing (probably my favourite book in the series) mostly due to Minho's amazing levels of sass. I would like to point out that I called out on Brenda and Jorge when we first met them in the book, I knew they had something to do with WICKED, it was too good to be true (although they do end up helping the gladers).

I think it was when I read the scorch trials that I really started shipping lots of the characters (mostly thominho and minewt and newmas) as that happens with most things I read. I think I shipped so many characters together in this series because they all have such great bonds with each other already. I love the bromance. After I had read TST I finally got my own copies of the books in order to read the rest, plus I really wanted my own copies because of how much I love the series.

The death cure was almost the death of me. Newt. I need not say more. I cried for hours, threw the book across the room, yelled, screamed. I was heartbroken. However, it was a happy (ish) ending. Not how I imagined it would end when I first started the series. We had the return of Gally too so that was fun. Teresa died. It was a rubbish death, one minute she was there, the next she was gone. I think she could have had a better send off. You know, sadder. I didn't cry. I wish I had, I wish it had of pulled at my heart strings like the other deaths did.

The maze runner movie. Okay this was amazing. First of all, Thomas Brodie-Sangster was Newt. So I was freaking out whenever I saw him. Secondly, can I mention that I saw an early screening of TMR. I saw it like three days before it 'officially' came out in cinemas in the UK thanks to my friends step dad wining a competition. I know that some top the things weren't in the right order and a few things were added and changed, but that always happens. I would be shocked if it didn't. But I think overall, it was really good.

The effects were amazing, the maze changing was so cool and the actors all done an amazing job (obviously) and portrayed the characters so well. It was simply perfect and I am hoping to see it again (at the cinema) with some friends because I could watch it 50 times in a row and still not be bored (not just because if Thomas Brodie-Sangster) it as just that good.

I haven't read the kill order yet, but I will very soon. I know that James Dashner is writing a prequel to the maze runner and I am looking forward to it very much, he is an incredibly talented writer. I am also looking forward to see the scorch trials at the cinema too, well done to the amazing Wes Ball, the maze runner was spectacular god knows how amazing TST will be. If you have read TMR or seen it, I suggest you do at least one (or both because both are amazing) because you will not regret it.

Claire :)

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