Thursday 28 August 2014

Interviews, Amazing Books, the Essay of Greyhounds and Malec

Hey there, I swear lately all my blog posts have just been updates. I'm sorry. But I enjoy sharing all my news and whatnot with you. First of all, I have a job interview on Sunday, at Burger King. Wow. My dream job haha! No,but seriously, it's a job so I'm happy I have an interview. Although, it's a group interview (which I think is weird but hey) and one of my amazing friends work at BK and she said that her interview included roleplay and presentations. I HATED doing presentations at school, it was just awful. But I'm going to try my best and see how it goes.

I got four new books today. I ordered them last week because I'd borrowed the first two from my friend Lish and I really loved them (bit of an understatement as I am obsessed with them haha) so I ordered them with the money I got from my grandparents.

The Maze Runner series by James Dashner. If you have not read any of these books then you really need to. My friend borrowed a couple of my books last year and she said "Hey, since I borrowed a couple of your books, are there any of mine you want to read?" And so I borrowed The Maze Runner from her, and I loved it. Then, of course, I borrowed The Scorch Trials from her. Once I finally had some of my own money, I decided to get the whole series for myself. So now I have all four of the books (The Death Cure and The Kill Order being the other two books in the series) and I cannot wait to finish reading the series.

I just want to spend a bit of time talking about the Retired Greyhound Trust in this blog post, just because it's something that's really important to me. As you may (or may not) know, I volunteer at my local RGT. RGT is the place where all the greyhound who were raced and trained to race go after they can no longer race as well as they used to (or just never make the cut in the first place like out Ellie) and they go there until someone comes along and adopts them. Unfortunately, as greyhounds are no longer puppies when they arrive at the kennels, they don't get adopted particularly quickly and some of them are there for months on end. There are always lots of dogs at the kennels and those dogs rely on the volunteers and whatnot to look after them. All the supplies are pretty much reliant upon donations and wether the dogs get walked or not depends on volunteers. There are some days when these dogs cannot go out for a walk at all because there is no one to take them.
A big part of the reason I volunteer is to see how happy these dogs are when they get to go out for a walk. When I go to get one out of their kennel, they jump up at me and give me lots of kisses because they're so happy to be able to go out for a walk. Every Wednesday (all day) and Thursday morning I go up there and help walk the dogs and groom them afterwards. I get quite attached to some of them and it's always lovely when they finally find a home and no longer have to live in kennels. Because these dogs have raced for many years and some of them were probably treated badly, like my Maya who flinches every time there is some kind of smacking noise and is scared of pretty much everything. And so to see them finally find a home and a family who loves them just makes me so happy and I know that I wouldn't trade my two girls for anything.
The greyhounds that end up at the kennels are the lucky ones. I've heard that sometimes the greyhounds are killed after they can no longer race. A lot of them are hit when they're being raced and the racing isn't always safe either, there are lots of greyhounds out there missing a leg. And some of the trainer cut off the greyhounds ears so they can't be traced if they have abused the greyhound. And it just really gets to me that some people can be so cruel and I know that other dogs get abused too, but I'm just talking specifically about greyhounds because they mean a lot to me.

Sorry for the massive essay on greyhounds haha! Anyway, I shall now shut up before I start taking about greyhounds and change the subject to The Mortal Instruments. Mostly, just the characters, or more, two specific characters. And some things that Cassandra Clare has revealed will happen with them. Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood. They are going to get married! I'm so excited! And, they're going to adopt a child/children. I just wanted to share my excitement with you and squeal like the fangirl I am! I cannot wait to read about it, I hope they adopt a little warlock. It would be so cute. The child would cause so much mischief and Alec would be chasing it all around the place, trying to stop them from breaking anything or accidentally summoning a demon (Magnus would say it was just one time and wasn't bound to happen again but Alec would just glare at him) and the child would steal Alec's jumpers and use them as blankets and spill Magnus' eyeliner everywhere. Magnus would just shrug and say that the child is "too cute to be told off" and so Alec would roll his eyes and cuddle with them.
You need to stop me when I do this to myself. I'm sorry. It would be so cute I just need it to happen already. I constantly fangirl over Malec, they're just so perfect.

That's all for this post. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will post again soon (I hope) and I'll try to make it about one thing and not twelve. Stay in school. Don't do drugs. Love you!

Claire :)

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