Tuesday 28 October 2014

The Fangirl Tag

This is another tag thingy, feel free to steal it from me, I only found it on the internet.

1. First person I've ever obsessed over?
I think the first person I ever really properly obsessed over was Niall Horan, I stalked him all the time on the internet.

2. Current obsession?
I have so many obsessions right now so I'll just give one example, and that would be the maze runner.

3. Favourite band?
I have several favourite bands, but I guess I'll have to say 5sos.

4. Favourite singer?
Ed Sheeran probably.

5. Favourite youtuber?
Dan Howell and Phil Lester. Ha. Two. Sorry, I am incapable of having one favourite for anything.

6. First concert?
5sos, which is also the only concert I've ever been to.

7. Favourite movie?
I love so many movies but right now it's the maze runner and I'm hoping to see it again next week. (If no one can go with me then I'll actually go and see it alone)

8. Favourite actor/actress?
My favourite actor is Thomas Brodie-Sangster and my favourite actress is Jennifer Lawrence.

9. First celebrity crush?
Nat Wolff when he was in the naked brothers band.

10. Ever got made fun of for what I like?
Yes, a few times, mostly by my friends because I like one direction.

11. Favourite book?
What kind of a question is this? That's like asking a mother to choose her favourite child! One of my favourite books is Paper Towns by John Green (because John Green is some kind of god put on this earth to make me laugh and cry till I can't breathe anymore)

12. Favourite tv show?
Wow, the vampire diaries probably.

13. Favourite fictional character?
Again, I can't choose just one, but I will give you an example; Alec Lightwood, from the mortal instruments series. Sassy Alec is life.

14. Something I love about a fandom I'm in?
In the maze runner fandom, you can pretty much ship anyone with anyone and no one will mind because everyone is shipped with everyone and no one judges your ship.

15. Something I hate about a fandom I'm in?
The 5sos fam are becoming a bit rude now, mobbing the boys and such. I don't like it.

16. Would I ever take a bullet for the people I fangirl over?
Yes, every sing one.

17. Do I ever hide the fact that I like someone out of fear of getting teased?
Not really, I don't care if people think I'm weird.

18. Have I ever met any of my idols?
Yes, I have met Tanya Burr and Jim Chapman. Both are youtubers.

19. Do I have any merch of the people I fangirl over?
So much merch, I might drown in it all.

20. Favourite fangirl moment?
My own personal fangirl moment was when I met Tanya and Jim and I was so awkward and weird and I feel bad about it. I was literally shaking, I am such an antisocial person, I don't know how to act in front of people.

Claire :)

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