Wednesday 19 February 2014


Uglies is a brilliant book. It's by Scott Westerfeld and it's part of a trilogy. I got this book because it had a Hunger Games reference on the front, it sounded really good (going by the blurb) and the cover looked really cool.

It's set in the future and it's about this girl called Tally. She is an Ugly. The next step for her in her life is to become a Pretty. This involves reaching 16 and then having an operation to make her 'pretty'. Becoming Pretty is all Tally has ever wanted and she doesn't have long to go before she is 16. However, when she befriends Shay, a girl with whom shares the same birthday as her. She begins to question becoming Pretty. When Shay runs away Tally is forced to choose between turning her friend in or never becoming pretty.

When I first started this book I was really intrigued as to what exactly it was about and what would happen. Even after the first chapter I had my doubts about the idea of 'pretties'. I thought the whole idea of it was barbaric. Having an operation just to make you look better, like everyone else. I did understand why Tally would want to become pretty though, as I myself hate the way I look.

It's a really interesting and unusual plot line. I've never read anything like Uglies. I truly felt sorry for Tally when she had to choose between betraying her friend and never becoming pretty. In a way, I feel like it symbolises the way the media try to make us believe that we have to look a certain way to be accepted, like the Uglies have to become Pretty. But that's just me getting too far into it.

I have now bought the second book entitles Pretties which I am really looking forward to reading at some point as I have so meany new books that I need to read now! I definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes futuristic and YA books because it is amazing.

Claire :)

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