Thursday 20 February 2014


Okay so I have a week off this week, as it's half term, and I thought "brilliant a week off to revise for my mocks" as my mock exams are next week. So far though, it has not gone to plan.

On Monday, I went shopping with Lish, which I told you about. So therefore I didn't really have much revision time then because I was out and then I was getting my hair done. On Tuesday I had a bunch (a bunch is seven) of friends round to do revision. But as you can guess, not a lot of revision got done with eight of us in my living room eating pizza and playing games. But nevertheless I did have lots of fun and I'm glad I had them round. (I'm so sorry you couldn't make it Amy, I love you!) Wednesday, I went round my grandparents and we went into town and had lunch and went to a few shops. So I didn't get a lot of revision done then either.

Today, I am hoping to actually get quite a bit of revision done because I really don't want to fail my mocks. I know that I need to revise maths the most because it is the most difficult subject that I am taking. I also really want to watch the Brits today because I could watch it last night because I was watching Waterloo Road and then I was really tired so I went to bed (it's really sad that I went to bed at 9pm when I don't even have sixth form the next day) but I recorded it. However I have to get some revision done first because it's more important.

It is one week till I go and see 5sos and it just doesn't seem real. I don't think it's hit me yet that I'm going to see my all time favourite band ever in exactly seven days. I have a feeling that it won't actually hit me until the day of the concert an I'll have a massive freak out about it and probably end up having a heart attack on the way there or something.

I hope you all have a wonderful day! Stay in school and don't do drugs. Byeee!

Claire :)

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