Tuesday 18 February 2014

Updates on my world

First of all I would like to apologise for not having updated in so long. Everything in my life has been a bit hectic lately and I've rarely had the time or the motivation to write anything. But I am back now to annoy you with my ramblings about my terribly boring life!

First of all, my new dog Ellie is wonderful. Although she cries if you leave her alone and she has peed on the carpet numerous times and she was sick yesterday and I said to my mum "is that supposed to be there?" Which was a pretty stupid question because it clearly wasn't. But she is getting much more used to us and our house now, she is very weird, even for a dog.

Next week is my mock exams (yaaaay!) which I am so nervous about. I'm so sure that I am going to fail the maths ones as I have got quite a lot of U's in the work we have done and I know that I'm terrible at it. If I do fail maths then I'll probably have to drop out of sixth form and cr in a ditch somewhere for the rest of my life.

I'm doing this revision day thingy with some of my friends today at my house which will be fun. I hope. I've been tidying up the house a bit this morning for when they get here and I hope they appreciate my efforts. We will mostly be revising psychology as most of us (by most of us I mean all of us apart from lish) do psychology. I will not lie, I haven't done much revision yet this week but I will.

I was at the city yesterday with Lish and I finally got my jacket for the concert (the 5sos concert next week) so now I have the whole outfit! I also got myself aaa other rubber from blott, a pink bird and I have added it to my collection. When I was in HMV I found a wonderful All Time Low poster which is now on my wall in my room and might I say that it is beautiful. I also got some red hair dye to redo my hair as my roots were really bad so now my hair is nice and freshly red which is just in time for the concert next week!

I hope you all have a wonderful week, I will try to update more now! Love you all!

Claire :)

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