Thursday 6 March 2014

The Eternal Rant of the Infernal Devices but Only the First Two Books


   I'd just like to rant a bit about the infernal devices, the first two books, clockwork angel and clockwork prince. 

   First of all, FUCK THE FACT THAT JEM IS DYING. This is not fair. At all. I LOVE Jem. He is amazing and wonderful and attractive and he should not die. He's too good to die. Why do these authors always kill my favourite characters? (One of the many reasons I am scared about CoHF) You have no right, Cassandra Clare, to KILL these wonderful characters that you have created. Especially the BEST characters, okay?
   Secondly, as much as I love Jem, I ship Tessa with Will. So I am NOT happy about the engagement. Tessa should be with Will for crying out loud. After all that he's been through, not being able to get too close to people and having to push Tessa away even though he loves her, he deserves some happiness. I know that Jem is dying, which sucks, but I honestly prefer Tessa with Will. Even if Will can be extremely rude and annoying sometimes.
   Thirdly, why did Jessamine have to be such a *insert really bad word that I will not say* I mean, after everything Charlotte and Henry had done for her. Seriously? Plus Nate was really horrible to her and then she went and married him. He's dead now though so I guess I feel kind of bad for her, but she's still pissed me off. SO RUDE. 

   On a good note, Henry and Charlotte. I Abserloutly LOVE HENRY. I think he's brilliant and he's one of my most favourite characters ever. They both actually think that the other one doesn't actually love them and then we find out that they do both love each other and I think it's so sweet. 
   Also, Sophie and Gideon. Can I please just tell you how much I ship these two. It's just so sweet that he's a shadowhunter and she's a mundane maid. They fit together so well, even if his brother and father both annoy me. I am just wondering how their relationship is going to work out, I really hope they stay together. 
   Finally, DEMON POX! I knew it was real. I called it. In the first book I totally called it. It sounds really gross though. I loved how happy Will was when he found out that it was real, his reaction was quite similar to mine haha! It was one of my favourite moments in the second book. 

   Sorry for ranting, but I just had to get it all out of my system. Hope you all have a great days stay in school. Read books. Don't do drugs.

Claire :)

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