Thursday 17 October 2013

Zero Best Friend

This post is about my best friend. Paige. We met when we were in year 8, forming a friendship over laughing at our other friend Lish. We were really good friends till about year 10 when we slowly became best friends. Like all other best friends we had silly private jokes that no one else would understand (England, vampire friend, what what, gods gift, etc) and we got along like a house on fire. Most of the time when we were together I would talk and she would laugh at me and complain about me talking too much. People would say that we were 'joint at the hip' because we spent so much time together. There was this guy in several of our lessons and some how I decided that he was her 'best friend' aka her 'vampire friend'. This resulted to me becoming her 'zero best friend' which actually felt quite appropriate really because it was like saying that I was more than her best friend, more like a sister, which was how it felt. Paige is one of those antisocial, rude people who doesn't care what other people thought. She is one of those peope who can always make you laugh no matter what.

When we finished high school, we both had to go our separate ways. I went to sixth form and she went to college. This meant that our time together was cut right down. It's times like these that make you realise how much a person means to you and words cannot describe how much I miss my best friend. Sometimes it feels like she may no longer be my best friend, but the minute I talk to her or think about old times together I know that no one will ever replace her and she will always be my zero best friend.

Claire :)

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