Sunday 27 October 2013

Sponsored Walk

On Friday, my whole school done a sponsored walk. None of us really had a choice, but we didn't mind too much. It was all good at first. Me and my friend Lish drew cat whiskers on our faces and I wore my llama hat (are we getting a theme here?) and it was all fun and games at first. However, after about three hours of walking, we all started to feel a little tired. I'm not even sure how long it took for us to walk it, but I do know that me and my friends were some of the last people to finish it. This may have been because our bus was one of the last busses to arrive or it may just be because we're lazy. By the end of it everyone's legs hurt and we were all moaning about it.

My arms also hurt. Now this was because in the morning me and my friend Amy decided that we would volunteer to help carry some computer monitors across the school, up the stairs and into the class room. It was perfectly fine until we saw the boys carrying two. Now, being a competitive person, I agreed with Amy to take two monitors. Turns out, we weren't really strong enough to carry two. Amy also decided that she would admit to the boys that we weren't strong enough. They laughed at us and one of them had to hold the doors open for us. To make it worse, my crush was one of the boys who had carried two and I looked like a weak pathetic little girl in front of him.

Overall Friday wasn't too bad I suppose. My legs still ache but I'm hoping they'll feel better soon. I'm off to a buffet at my grandparents soon, I hope you all have a lovely afternoon.

Claire :)

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