Wednesday 2 October 2013

Hello World

Hello random people who just happened to stumble upon my blog, or people who I have somewhat forced into reading my blog. My name is Claire. I am British, from Norfolk although I don't have a Norfolk accent, I am too posh. I am 16 years old, but I'm sure that will change on the 9th December (if you didn't guess that's my birthday...send me a present!) and I am currently in sixth form studying sociology, psychology and maths.

So that's me. I'm not a very interesting person. I spend most of my time at sixth form, fangirling, listening to music, watching YouTube videos and being a total loser. I'm going to try posting every day, but chances are I will forget because I have the memory of a goldfish. If you like my blog then... What do you do on this site? I don't know, retweet? Like? Subscribe? Whatever you do when you like a blog I think you should do it. Thanks for reading, if you did actually read this!

Claire :)

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