Sunday 20 October 2013


I need a job. The trouble is I can't find one. Well, I've tried applying to lots of different places, but it seems that no one wants me. I would like a retail job for weekends, but most places want full time workers or not weekend workers. I want a job because I need money to buy things. I keep seeing loads of stuff I want and I can't buy it. It's getting depressing. I hate actually doing work but if I get money for doing it then I suppose it's worth it.

Lots of my friends have jobs now and I feel like I'm never going to get one. It's not like I got bad grades, I actually done pretty well at my GCSEs. Why don't they want me? Probably because I'm not very attractive so customers will run away, or maybe it's because I'm so antisocial that it puts people off. I hate talking to people. And retail means that I have to talk to people. So it's going to be horrible when I finally do get a job. That's why I've applied for places that don't get too many customers, that way I don't have to talk to too many people.

I feel like I have this list in my head of all the things I am going to buy when I finally have a job. Thinking about it makes me really excited to get a job. But there's still the issue of no one wanting to hire me. I guess I just have to keep trying till I find a company that are really desperate, so desperate that they'll hire me! I just want money guys.

Claire :)

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