Wednesday 16 October 2013

The future

I had this really interesting thought today. I was just sitting on the bus when I wondered "what will I be like in 10 years?" It's a typical question that a lot of people ask themselves. I ask myself this quite often, but sometimes I change my mind. For example, earlier this year I was sure that I would do art and photography at sixth form, then university and become a photographer. But now I am doing sociology, psychology and maths, which I'll probably continue something similar in university then possibly be a detective. However, sometimes, I really just don't know where I'll be in ten years time. I know that I want to go to university, but will I ever actually make it? I know I want to move to London, but will I? I just don't know. I won't know until I get there. What I do know, is that I have to work my way there, which means I have to start now.

You never know what your future will hold. You'll change your mind so many times and sometimes you won't achieve what you were hoping for. But if you do want something bad enough, you have to work for it, and you have to start now. Especially for things like University, you'll need the right grades to get in and if you don't work hard now then you'll never get them. But no matter what you want to achieve in life, don't give up. Keep trying to achieve your goal, and if you work hard enough, then it will happen and you will succeed.

But try not to worry too much about what's going to happen to you in the future, or you'll spend your whole life worrying. Just live in the now. Think about what you're doing right now, not what you'll be doing in ten years. And always remember to just do whatever makes you happy.

Claire :)

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