Wednesday 16 October 2013

The joys of being ill

So, for the past few days I've been really quite ill. Therefore I thought I'd tell you about all the fun things to do when you are ill! 

1. You can sit in bed all day. As you are ill, you have an excuse to just stay in bed and not do anything! 
2. You can watch your favourite tv show all day! (I watch Death Note for two days straight) 
3. You get days off school (unless you've left school or are doing exams or something in which case it's probably better that you go to school)
4. You can give your wonderful illness to all the people that you don't like! 
5. You can...oh, there aren't anymore things.

As you can see, being ill is not particualrly fun at all. I just stayed in bed all through the weekend watching death note and YouTube videos until Monday. I had to go to sixth form on Monday and it was horrible because I was still really ill and I just wanted to go home and sleep but no, I had to do maths instead! But I am getting better now. At the end of the day, I was only ill for a little while. 

If you are currently ill too, or get ill over the next few days, I wish you luck in getting better. It's inevitable that I'll get ill again though because it's winter and I'm in the uk. Thanks for reading all you wonderful people (by people I mean like the two people who actually read my posts) and I hope you have a good day! 

Claire :)

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