Thursday 3 October 2013

My jerk of an ex boyfriend

  Just a little story about my horrible ex boyfriend. Hopefully you will find a use of my failure with this guy who was a complete jerk (I don't know if I'm allowed to swear on here so I'll just say jerk which is an understatement) and well...oh just read it and you'll understand.

That jerk who dumped me for one of my best friends. 

   If the massive writing didn't give away what my first proper boyfriend was like then I don't know what will. Ok, so his name was Aj (what a stupid name) and he was about a year and a half older than me. I met him through a friend when I was about 13 and I developed a little bit of a crush on him (I look back now and wonder why though because he was not particularly attractive). He didn't actually ask me out until he had actually left school by which point I was 15. He asked me over Facebook and we went to the cinema. It was alright but I felt like we had nothing in common. After a few dates he began cancelling on me all the time. He once cancelled three of our dates in the matter of a week. Soon after this we broke up. I wasn't too upset when it ended because I didn't really feel like it was working, plus the fact that he kept cancelling our dates made me think that something weird was going on.

   About a week after Aj and I broke up I received a Facebook message from him, revealing that he had been dating one of my best friends in secret since we broke up. This was the thing that made me break down into tears. Ironically, Breakeven by the Script was playing the moment I found out and it felt like a scene from a movie. I then texted my friend to ask her if it was true and she confirmed that it was. It wasn't the fact that she went out with him that upset me the most, it was that she didn't even tell me and when I was with him she was one of the ones who told me that I should end it with him.

   But that is all history. My friend and I are still friends now, we've both moved on. I kind of see it as a life lesson now, that even the people closest to you will still hurt you and some guys are just complete jerks.

Anyway, thanks for reading about my lovely failure of a love life, have a nice day!

Claire :)

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