Saturday 5 October 2013


    Ok so this post is about something very important to me. It's about size. I'm not talking about the size of a house or a book, I'm talking about the size of a person. How many people think that they are fat? How many people wish they were skinnier? How many people think they're too skinny?

    Our society has become so obsessed with being this 'perfect weight'. But to be honest it's a load of rubbish. No one is too fat or too skinny. Everybody is different. Being different is being unique, which is a good thing. It's not about how much you weigh or what size your jeans are. It's about the person you are inside. I know it's difficult to believe that these days because everyone is pressuring you to look a certain way, but you you are beautiful. Just they way you are. The only 'ugly' people in the world are the ones who are calling you "too fat" or "too skinny". Everyone else is perfect in their own way.

    If you aren't happy with your weight then do something about it. Don't do anything stupid like starving yourself because that will only make it worse. Just make small changes to your diet and work at a slow pace. But never think that you are fat and ugly because you can be a size 18 and be beautiful, or you can be a size 6 and be beautiful. The only people who will tell you that you aren't, are the people who will always be ugly.

    I am so sick of hearing some people calling other people really fat or too skinny. You have no right to judge other people. Everyone is different and you need to get over it. People are different sizes, you can't use it as an excuse to be mean. These people have feelings too and you're hurting them. They are happy so stop finding things, like their size, to put them down.

    It's mostly teenage girls that worry about their weight. I'm here to tell you that you don't need to worry. You are perfect just the way you are. If you're happy then just go with it. Don't worry about what other people think because chances are, they're worrying about the exact same thing. So stop obsessing over your weight, you're beautiful and you have to try to believe that.

Claire :)

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