Monday 2 December 2013

Winter Wonderland

I love winter, it's my second favourite season. First of all, you have Christmas. Christmas is amazing obviously, with the presents, food, family, food, Santa, food. Secondly, there's snow. I love snow! You can build a snowman, have snowball fights, get into trouble for having snowball fights. Plus the snow looks really pretty when it lays on the ground. Thirdly time off school/sixth form etc. This means, no work to do which is always nice. No annoying teachers or deadlines.

I know that there are also bad sides to winter. If you're poor then it's difficult to afford good presents, if any, which can be quite depressing and make you feel bad. Secondly, you might not be able to see your family at Christmas, if you're away or they are. Thirdly, it can be quite stressful having to cook the dinner or make the buffet, to buy and wrap the presents. Finally, it's very, very cold! However, there are several things you can do to keep warm during winter, here are a few of my suggestions.

Things you can do to keep warm:
1. Use lots of blankets
2. Drink hot drinks
3. Wear thick coats, hats, gloves, scarves
4. Wear big thick jumpers
5. Fluffy socks
6. Cuddles
7. Staying in your warm comfy bed
8. Fires and heating
9. Not actually going outside
10. The heat from your computer on your lap

I hope you all enjoy this winter, get all the presents you want and stay warm. Speak to you later my lovelies!

Claire :)

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