Friday 20 December 2013

Best Beauty Buy

A few days ago I ordered one of the Soap and Glory bags called 'the Yule Monty' which has loads of amazing beauty products inside and I thought I'd tell you all about it!
So, it's in a massive pink and silver travel bag. It was originally about £60 but I only paid about £30 for mine as it was half price.

The first item is the Righteous Butter. Which is 300ml. I have used this stuff before and it is really good, it makes your skin much softer and is really good on dry skin too.

Next is the Peaches and Clean which is a 200ml cleanser. I have not used this before but it says it's appropriate for all skin types and who doesn't love the smell of peaches?

Then there's the Butter Yourself moisture lotion which is 500ml. Again, I have not used this before but apparently is good for rough elbows, bumpy upper arms and flaky lower legs. I don't really have any of those but I'm sure it's a great body moisturiser. 

There's the Sugar Crush body wash which is also 500ml. I have used this before and I really liked it. I have really sensitive skin which can flare up really bad with most products but I found that this one didn't so I'm really glad I've got this massive bottle to keep me going.

Next is the Scrub of Your Life which is 200ml. I haven't used this one before either but it's supposed to be super-smoothing and I look forward to testing that theory.

The Heel Genius is the 125ml foot cream. I have not used this one before, but if it's anything like the hand cream then I look forward to using it. It also says "no mean feet" on the back which I find cute and funny haha!

Then there's Hand Food which is the hand cream. Again, it's 125ml. I have used this hand cream before and I really love it! It makes my hands really soft especially when I need it most in the winter because my hands can get really dry.

Next is the Thick and Fast 10ml mascara. I haven't used this before and I don't know a lot about it but it says "super volume" on it so hopefully it's good.

Finally it's the Extreme Plump 10ml lip gloss. I've never used this before either but it says "sexy mother pucker" on it which gives me high hopes haha!

Those are all the products apart from the bag obviously. Unfortunately Boots do not have any of these particular kits left but I do suggest you try out some of Soap and Glory's products because they are amazing!

Claire :)

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