Thursday 5 December 2013


This post is about friendship. I've had many different friends throughout my sixteen (almost seventeen) year of existence, but none have ever really been as good as the ones I have now. I've been friends with bitchy people, drama queens, annoying people, mean people, the list goes on. It wasn't until I became friends with my current friends that I learnt the true meaning of friendship.

We're going to start with Amy, simply because her name begins with an A. I don't remember when I met Amy, I think it was in English in year eight though. She had a nice little fringe back then haha. We became quite good friends throughout the years and we've grown a lot closer lately as she's in my sociology and maths classes at sixth form so I see her the most. She is a really kind and funny person who I am privileged to have her as a friend. Near the end of summer Amy got a job at Burger King and became the "burger queen". I remember that we would call her "A* Amy" because she used to always get an A* in tests. Back in year eight or nine she called me bandana lady because I wore a bandana a few times (I was really cool). That was around the time when we discovered that her mum and my aunt were really good friends in high school. Lately we've spent a lot of time together and she's probably my closest friend right now. She knows all my secrets and we have great times on the late bus with her "bump noises" haha. I hope I never lose contact with her when we both go off to university or become a manager at Burger King haha! 

Next is Paige. I think I met Paige in year eight too, I'm not sure though because I have the memory of a deranged goldfish. We bonded through laughing at lish during PE saying she ran like a penguin. We grew closer over the years and eventually she became my "zero best friend". I have written a whole blog post about her if you want to know more about her. She's one of the funniest people on the whole planet and I really do miss her so much now as she's a college while I'm at sixth form. I wish I could see her more often as I'm worried we are drifting apart. 

Lish is third. I met lish in year eight. Obviously our friendship started with Paige and I laughing at her (which we still do now). We became really good friends over the past few year as we have a lot in common. We both love the same tv shows, films, books, some of the same music. This means that we always have something to talk about and we get along really well. She's a very short girl who's obsessed with the vampire diaries and the wanted. She's boy crazy (which is not surprising when you know how many celeb crushes she has) and she's very cheery. She's always there for you when you're upset and she's a genuinely nice person who I'm glad I'm friends with!

Moving on to the fabulous Elli. (I have wrote a whole blog post about her too because she complained about not being in my blog enough) I have known Elli since fist school. We have had our differences in the past, but now we get along so well. We're in the same psychology class which brought us closer together and I call her Beryll sometimes.She's absolutely hilarious and so small. I swear she has the worlds tiniest hands, they're so adorable. She's definitely slightly insane, but that's what makes her who she is. She's a kind girl who's super smart (smarter than me haha) and she gives amazing cuddles!

The last few (I'm only writing them all together because I'm tired and lazy now haha) are Siobhan, who it completely obsessed with horrible histories and  yonderland. We've had our differences but overall we're really good friends and she's really funny and nice. There's also Maddy who I only met a few months ago, but she's really nice and funny and we have psychology together so we're getting to know each other better. Jessie is a wonderful person who's hilarious and cuddly. She is just as weird as Elli but that's a good thing haha. There's also Kezia, I've known her since year seven. She's one of the kindest people ever and she's really smart and funny too. I remember once in English she spilt her water all over the the table and we spent the rest of the lesson slowly cleaning it up and it was hilarious. Ellen is incredibly good at art and photography. She's a really funny and kind person. I remember we were really close in year nine and we had this "immature" fight.

There are probably a few people I haven't talked about yet, I'm sorry if I did leave anyone out. I love all my friends so much and I'm so glad I met every single one of them!

Claire :)


  1. You said you know Maddy through Sociology, it's psychology Clive!

    1. That's what I get for writing a blog post at 10pm

  2. Hahaha, I love this! I'll make sure we don't lose contact... I'll always message you, being clingy and annoying! xxx
