Tuesday 10 December 2013


I am one of those people that have bad things happen to them all the time. I swear I'm probably cursed!

So today I found out that my brand new headphones don't actually connect to my phone properly so I had to walk home only listening to half of Alone Together by Fall Out Boy which annoyed me so much! Yesterday I burnt mine, Amy and lish's pizza. On my birthday! A few days ago I brought a hot chocolate and if thought I waited long enough for it to cool down before I drank any but I was wrong and I burnt my mouth.

I have a feeling it's worse on Friday the 13th because last year I slipped into a massive muddy puddle and I was covered in mud head to toe all day! Right now everyone keeps telling me to be careful because it's Friday 13th this Friday. I may have to blame my nanny for the whole Friday 13th part though because bad things happen to her too as last year she broke her arm on Friday 13th.

On my birthday danisnotonfire aka my favourite youtuber was supposed to be uploading a new video which was really exciting, but it wasn't uploaded until the next day because it took so long for him to edit it and I didn't get to see the new video on my birthday. I also forgot my phone when I went to sixth form on my birthday so I couldn't reply to anyone's "happy birthday" texts either.

I am constantly tripping over things, even if there's nothing to actually trip over I still manage to trip. I fall UP the stairs and down them too. I always burn food whenever I try to cook. I am super clumsy, do not let me hold anything that might break because I will drop it and you will hate me.

I hope I'm not actually cursed. If I am then I hope I get cured because I am a good person who does not deserve to suffer! Haha, have a great day guys!

Claire :)

1 comment:

  1. I love that song! Also did you listen to it cause we were alone together ;)
