Thursday 19 December 2013

Christmas preparations

It's six days till Christmas now. Only six days. So I thought I'd make a list of all the preparations that need to be done for Christmas. Let's begin!

1. Decorations. You need to get your tree up, put up the lights and tinsel etc. I actually always find it really fun to put up the decorations, especially the tree. You need to make everything as Christmassy as possible!

2. Buying presents. I have already got most of my presents. You have to try to get gifts suited to the people you're buying them for, even if you can't afford a lot, it's the thought that counts.

3. Wrapping presents. This involves quite a bit of hard work. Especially the odd shaped presents haha! But wrapping is essential, you have to use the most fun looking Christmas wrapping paper you can find!

4. Food. I love buying the food for Christmas, whether it's a turkey or food for a buffet or just loads of sweets! We are having a buffet this year which means we need lots of food to feed all the people coming over.

5. Tidy up. If you're having people over at Christmas then you need to make sure that your house is not a mess or people will probably trip over and break their legs which is not fun on Christmas Day haha!

I thought there would be more preparation but I can't think of anything else. Maybe this will help some of you prepare for Christmas, I hope it does haha! Have a good day chums!

Claire :)

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