Wednesday 11 December 2013

My Top 10... FILMS!

My top 10 films are:

1. The Hunger Games and Catching Fire - I put these two together because they are obviously part of a series and I love them both equally. I have not read the books but I will be getting them for Christmas. Both films are incredible though, I have the first one on DVD and I've watched it about twenty times haha. I saw catching fire at the cinema a few weeks ago when it first came out and it was amazing.

2. Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides - obviously, we have the fact that it's staring Johnny Depp who is such an incredible actor. There are mermaids in this one too which is why I love it so much, I also find it hilarious. The other films are really good too, but this one is definitely my favourite.

3. Harry Potter films - I put them all together because I can't pick which one I like the most. I love the books and I love the films. I saw the films first obviously and I loved them so much. I saw the last ever one at the cinema with my mum and we cried. Probably the best film series ever!

4. Alice in Wonderland - this is the Tim Burton version as it is much better than the others. Again, it's staring Johnny Depp as the mad hatter. I love the characters in Alice in Wonderland and it was one of my favourite stories as a child, I always saw myself as a bit of an 'Alice' to be honest haha.

5. Daybreakers - this film gives a much more realistic idea of vampires. They will not sparkle and fall in love with you. They will drink your blood. I saw this at the cinema when I was 13 and it was a 15 certificate but came out on DVD as an 18 so I felt so badass. My friend and I got told off for laughing when a guy's head got chopped off.

6. The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones - my friend had read the book and forced us all to go and see the film with her. It was amazing. I pissed me off near the end, but I still loved it. I will be reading the books now. I really want them to make the next one into a film too because I'd love to see what happens next.

7. Beautiful Creatures - this is another book based film. It was so good though, I loved how they were called casters instead of witches, it makes the film different to others about witches. I thought that parts of it were incredibly sad and it made me so mad at times haha. It kind of ended on a cliff hanger which has annoyed me.

8. The Incredibles - I'm sorry for sounding like a child, but this is the best animated superhero film ever! I love the way it involves the whole family too, when I was a child I always wanted my parents to come over to me one day and tell me that they're superheroes and that I'm one too haha.

9. Dispicable Me - oh my gosh. I've only seen this the one time, but I loved it. It was hilarious and amazing. I also really want my own minion now, they're so cute. And when he kisses them all goodnight...awwww.

10. Love Actually - it's hilarious, Christmassy, and romantic. It's also got my mums favourite actor in it, Alan Rickman, who portrayed Severus Snape in Harry Potter. The film always makes me laugh and I find it such a sweet film too and it gets me into the Christmas spirit.

Thos are my top 10 favourite films, I'll do another top 10 soon. They're in no particular order really, I guess my most favourite ones are near the top.

Claire :)

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