Wednesday 4 December 2013

Health and Fitness

It's quite ironic that I'm blogging about health and fitness since I am currently the most unhealthy person like, ever! However, I am tired of being unfit and overweight so I am starting a new diet and fitness regime. I would normally say "oh I'll start that tomorrow or Monday" but not this time. I am starting now. I am really excited about this because it means I'll be able to lose some weight, which I really need to do haha. It will also make me feel much happier.

Luckily there are two exercise machines in my house, and I have my own weights. This means I don't have to go to any gyms or have to use an exercise DVD (because they really annoy me). It will be tough to only eat healthy food and exercise every day, but I will constantly remind myself why I am doing it which will hopefully motivate me to keep going.

I know that it will be a long and difficult process for me, but I know that it will be worth it. I'm going to be 17 soon and I don't want to be stuck this weight for the rest of my life. My friends and family always tell me that I'm fine and I don't need to lose weight, but I really do and I need them to be supportive of me. I want 2014 to be the year I achieve my goal weight, hopefully by the end of February (or sooner, I don't know) in time to see my favourite band as a way to "earn" the concert tickets for myself.

If any of you want to get fit or have some kind of goal that you want to achieve, then go for it. Start now. Right now. You'll succeed. And you'll feel great about it. Hope you all have a great day!

Claire :)


  1. You seriously don't need to, but if it's what you want go for it. Just don't work yourself so much cause you might get ill and I do not want that! You are my beautiful Clive :)

  2. You don't need to lose weight, you are beautiful just the way you are! But I can't change your mind, but I don't want you to make yourself ill xxx
