Tuesday 7 January 2014

The month ahead: January

   It's January which means that it is the start of a new year. Now I aim to do a lot this month. First of all I have started a diet and I have begun exercising every day in an effort to lose weight. This is one of the most important things I am going to be doing over the next few months as my current size makes me unhappy. So this month is the start of losing the weight. I already know that it's going to be difficult to get started on losing weight, but hopefully once I get going it will all work out.

   In terms of upcoming events, there are two that I can think of. First of all there is Lish's birthday tomorrow, and I will be going round hers for lunch along with two of our other friends, Amy and Siobhan, to have birthday lunch with Lish. Lish is also having a 'party' where we will be going bowling and then to Nandos on Saturday hopefully which I am really excited about too. So both events that I can think of involve Lish and her birthday haha!

   Along with the idea that it's a new year, I will be working extra hard on all my sixth form work. I had a bit of trouble keeping up with some of the work last year, but this year I'm hoping that won't happen. I will be doing as much work as possible on the day I get it so it's not left till the last minute and I shall try to procrastinate less and actually get work done.

   I will also be looking for a job over this month. I am 17 now and my parents don't have a very high income so they can't afford to buy me lots of nice things so if I want lots of nice things then I am going to have to get my own job and earn my own money. This will also be a good way to stop my procrastination and help me have more of a social life instead of sitting in my room all day reading and going on the internet.

   I will start to prepare for my mock exams this month too. This is because they are at the end of February and if we don't pass our mocks then we won't be put in for the actual exams and I really don't want that happening.So this month I will start making revision cards and posters and checklists. Making sure that I am ready for all my mock exams next month.

   That's my January summed up pretty well. All the things I have to do to make it a successful January. Along side all that, we will be getting our new dog this month. Her name is Ellie, she is 2 years old, a retired greyhound , and I'm really excited about getting her!

Claire :)

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