Sunday 5 January 2014

Fictional Characters

As most of you are probably aware, fictional characters are much better than real life people. There is scientific evidence to prove this. I have decided that I am going to tell you all about some of my personal favourite fictional characters.

Augustus Waters. Some of you may know who he is and if you do then you probably also know why I put him on here. He is from the Fault in Our Stars. It's one of my favourite books ever and if you have not read it then I suggest you do as it is amazing. I grew really attached to this brilliant character as although he had lost one of his legs, John Green still managed to portray him as an attractive 17 year old that any young girl could fall for. I loved the way his character never changed, even till the very end and he made me cry on numerous occasions. He is an ideal guy that I wish was real.

Ron Weasley. Jugdge me if you will but I love Ron. I find his character hilarious, even more so in the books though. I think he can be underestimated at times and is much braver than people think he is. I can relate to him in many ways, I am also very scared of spiders and I would have screamed if I had of met Arogog. I also really love ginger characters!

Alec Lightwood. I wish he wasn't gay. I love his character in the Mortal Instruments series. He is such a straighforward person and he's strong and fights demons. He is gay though which is disappointing but at the same time amazing because I love Magnus. I wasn't sure if I actually liked him at the beginning of the the first book, but eventually I did, a lot. I think he's better than Jace because Jace is such an arrogant person and it sometimes annoys me whereas Alec is much more shy.

Katniss Everdeen. She is amazing because she doesn't think she'll win the Hunger Games but she knows that she'll try really hard. I love the way she constantly shows up Snow. It's brilliant. I also like tha fact that she's not a 'people person' and it somehow makes her character more likeable. I have seen the first two films but I haven't read the books yet although I'll be reading them next probably.

Sherlock Holmes. Do I really need to say why? He's incredibly intelligent, but at the same time he's incredible arogant which is a wonderful combination. I love how he always assumes that he's right and he'll figure it out and he always does figure everything out. I would hate and love to meet him (if he were real) because he's amazing but he'd easily be able to uncover my whole life story just by looking at me haha!

Captain Jack Sparrow. Who wouldn't want to meet him? I would love to just be part of his crew, it would be hilarious. He's such a weird character and I wish he was real because it would be funny to just watch him breaking the law al the time and just getting away with it by swinging away on something (like a chandelier haha). Plus who wouldn't want to be a pirate?

The Doctor. I would be the best companion ever! The Doctor is amazing and I just...words can not describe how much I love him. The 10th doctor was my favourite, but I love all of them really. I would probably freak out a bit if he regenerated in front of me but it would be amazing at the same time. Plus, you'd get to travel through time and space, in the TARDIS! I'd have to use a lot of self control to not steal the TARDIS too haha! If you wouldn't want to meet the Doctor then you are clearly lying to yourself.

So those are just a few of my favourite fictional characters. They are clearly much better than most of the real life people I know (apart from my amazing friends and family obviously) and sometimes I get really sad because they're not real.

Claire :)

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