Thursday 2 January 2014

My New Years Resolutions

It's a new year which means that I shall be attempting to make crapy New Years resolutions that I preobably won't keep. Let's get started then!

1. Lose weight - something I've been wanting to do for a while now and hopefully I will actually do it this year haha!

2. Get a job - I'm currently struggling for money and now that I'm 17 I think it's about time I had a weekend job of some sort to earn some money!

3. Keep up with my A-Level work - I fell behind a bit last year and so this year I want to make sure I keep up with the work and do well!

4. Think about university - it's not long now till I have to apply for uni so I need to think about where I want to go and what course I want to do, or if I even want to go to uni!

5. Get organised - I am a really unorganised, untidy person and I need to get organised so then I'll know where everything is and my life will be much easier!

6. Get out more - this might sound weird but yes I need to get out more and do more because I have spent the past few years hiding away in my room, never actually doing anything, for reasons that I won't discuss, and now that I look back I really hate it!

So those are my basic New Years resolutions, obviously I have several other more personal ones that I don't really feel like sharing. Have any of you made New Years resolutions too?

Happy new year to all of you wonderful people!

Claire :)

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