Friday 3 January 2014

The 2013 Jar

At the beginning of the year, I saw a post on tumblr. This post said to have a jar and write all the good things that happen throughout 2013 on pieces of paper and to then put them into the jar so at the end of the year you can look back at all the wonderful things that happened. So I made one. I wrote down most of the really good things (some that wouldn't seem very important to other people but are to me) and put them into a jar.

I thought I would share some of the "good things" that I wrote down throughout last year with you. So here I go.. (I pulled these all out at random just so you know)

1. "Dan Howell tweeted me saying that I'm fabulous!!" Ironic how this was first haha! He replied to me when I tweeted him a picture of me wearing my (what was at the time brand new) llama hat and he replied saying that I looked FABULOUS! ✨

2. "I got a B in sociology" this was about my GCSE exam result!

3. "The Doctor Who 50th anniversary!" This clearly shows what I think is important in life..

4. "I got tweeted by Emma Blackery!" She is a youtuber who I love and she tweeted me back once when I asked her for good luck!

5. "I got an A in a psychology test - highest score in the class!" I was very proud of this!

6. "Mcdonalds on Paige's birthday, May 1st, where all my friends rubbed balloons on my head and made my hair static and Paige had a giant '16' badge on which I gave to her!" I remember this, it was also when she received a kind of lap dance from 'England' and I poured water on 'England's butt too!

7. "GETTING TICKETS TO SEE 5SOS!" My sister bought herself and I tickets to see my favourite band, we'll be seeing them in February!

8. "I finished all my exams!!" The feeling just after I had finished the last one was amazing!

9. "CHRISTMAS!!" This was in there for obvious reasons.

10. "Got a B in my history: Germany resit!" The first time I took the exam I got an E so I was very proud of the B I got the second time around haha!

11. "Seeing Amy working at Burger King!" I was so proud when I first got to see Amy working there in her little uniform and hat!

12. "Discovering 5sos" I don't even know what I did with my life before I knew about them haha!

13. "Getting an A- on my first sociology A-Level assignment!" It was a proud moment for me.

14. "Prom!!" I had an amazing time with all my friends and I saw Paige in a dress which is quite rare and she actually posed for photos!

15. "Eddie's party" I got a bit drunk which is something I don't do very often, some of it was not particularly good, but quite a lot of it was mostly the beginning of the party rather than the end.

16. "Meeting Maddy" a girl I met in September who is in my psychology class and I thought is was definitely worth putting her in the jar haha!

17. "Seeing The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones" the film was amazing obviously!

18. "Dying my hair red" I had never really dyed my hair a very different colour before and so it has been fun having red hair!

19. "I tried a pop tart" I had my first ever pop tart last year, it was amazing!

20. "Watching Sherlock!" Which is such a brilliant show and I wish I had of watched it sooner but oh my gosh it's amazing!

Those are 20 random good things that I pulled out of my jar from 2013, I'll probably do one for 2014 too. I think that you should all do it too because some really good things will happen for you this year and doing this will give you a little reminder at the end of the year that it wasn't all that bad.

Claire :)

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