Sunday 5 January 2014

Dogs, Lish, Books and Sherlock!

Yesterday my family and I went to a retired racing greyhound home-finder place as we had been looking at getting another dog. The reason we went there was because the other day a paramedic told my mum about how he got one from there and he really loved it. (My mum was quite ill and unfortunately an ambulance was called again but she's okay now)

We went there and they only had boys available but we want a girl but the man said that they would have some over the next few weeks. Apparently they are really lazy and don't require many walks which is good because we're quite a busy family. They were really cute and adorable. They are dogs who used to race but either got an injury or just couldn't be bother to race anymore. They're not puppies, but they're not too old either, most of them there were about 3 or 4 years old.

My parents have now made the decision that we will be getting one of the greyhounds, we just have to have a home visit to make sure that the dog can live here and then it will be a few days wait for us to actually have the dog but I am so excited!

Yesterday I also went round Lish's and we had some long conversations about Sherlock and The Mortal Instruments as we are massive fans of both. It's her fault that I love TMI and it's thanks to several of my friends that I now love Sherlock. We both sat in her room on tumblr laughing at funny pictures and drooling over Dan Howell. Then we played Mario Kart which I suck at and she beat my ass at it. It was hilarious though!

I was out till 2am the other night watching Sherlock because we started watching one episode and then I just needed to keep watching because it was too good! I also somehow managed to read four books in a week and my dad keeps complaining because I'm spending all my time reading and not actually socialising or going outside. I don't see anything wrong with it though.

Somehow I weigh less than I did before Christmas too which is insane. I ate enough food for like 50 people over Christmas and I spend most of my time sitting on my ass reading so I'm not getting any exercise either. I am so confused. Not that I should be complaining though haha!

Claire :)

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