Sunday 19 January 2014

General Life Update

There were quite a few days when I didn't blog. I'm sorry about that, it's for personal reasons. Anyway I'm going to try to blog everyday now if I can, I'll probably only end up blogging once every few days but I will try my best.

We should be getting our new greyhound Ellie within a week which is really exciting! We're in the process of getting everything ready for when she gets here. We got a new dog bed for her and my mum brought a book about greyhounds since we've never had one before, only a collie. So hopefully by this time next week she will be here with us and I will blog all about her, including pictures. 

I've spent a lot of time reading lately. I finally finished the Mortal Instruments series, which was incredible, but I need Malec to get back together! I also read Divergent. I ended up reading that in a day because it was so good. I'm going to have to get the other two books in the series. I highly recommend Divergent to anyone and everyone who likes reading. I am now reading Uglies which is very good and it's another futuristic book which has been compared to the Hunger Games apparently. I really like it so far and I can't wait to find out what happens.

Sixth form requires a bit of catching up right now as I had a day off and I've also had a rough time lately, making it difficult to get work done. Especially with the mock exams next month I really need to get on top of all my work. I am finding maths very difficult though with I suppose is why it's the homework I always leave till last as I kind of hate it, but I can't drop it and I really want to do well because I don't want to have to retake the whole year just because of maths.

I got myself a iPhone a couple of weeks ago too. It's a 'long term loan' according to my dad. It's brilliant though, because I have had a iPad for a while so I'm used to apple products. I also got myself a wonderful TARDIS case for it which is incredibly cool! I got a new bag too, for sixth form. It's a Sherlock bag and it says "I am SHER locked" which is just awesome! There are tonnes of books and CDs I want right now, but I have to hold back because I can't spend all my money.

I hope you guys are all having a brilliant January so far! And if you're not then I'm sure it will get better, we all have to think positive!

Claire :)

The Mortal Instruments ramble

This is going to contin spoilers about the Mortal Instruments series.

I have now read all five books and I don't even have words for how amazing they are. I read the first four in just over a week but then I had to go back to sixth form so it took me a bit longer to read the fith one. The sixth, and final book comes out in May which is going to feel like forever.

I hated the whole 'Jace and Clary are brother and sister' thing in the first few books because it was just horrible. I really wanted it to be a lie and then I found out that it was a lie and I was over the moon. But then they had to go and let Jace get all possessed by Lilith and I was angry again. Then he was linked to Sebastion and it all irritates me. Can they please just let Jace and Clary be together and happily?

Okay so now let's talk about Malec aka Magnus and Alec. I love these two so much! I am beyond pissed off about the end of City of Lost Souls. I ended up curled up in a ball on the floor rocking back and fourth chanting "why why why why" of about seven hours. It was the fact that their relationship was a secret because Alec didn't want people to know that he was gay because it's looked down on. Plus Magnus is a warlock, a downworlder, and people don't approve of Shadowhunters being with downworlders. Alec nearly died in the first book and Magnus saved his life. Then in City if Glass the wards were broken ad the whole city was under attack, but Alec just wanted to know why Magnus hadn't called him back. Then Magnus told Alec that he loved him. Then they were together for a while and it was adorable, then Alec tried to look for a way for them to be together for a long time because Magnus is immortal. And you get a jealous Alec when he meets one of Magnus' exes. But the it all gets ruined. They break up. And I cried.

I didn't really see Simon and Izzy together throughout the first few books. But it was mostly in City of Lost Souls that I really began to like the idea of them being together because I thought they were so cute. Plus you have the whole, Izzy being afraid to love anyone and Simon trying to deal with being a vampire.

In the sixth book, apparently six named characters die. I am in denil about believing that it might be Alec or Magnus because if it is then I will probably jump off a cliff. I'm hoping it's going to be people that I either don't like or people that we don't really know too well. And if Malec to not get back together then I will cry for years and if something stops Jace and Clary from being together agin I will punch someone.

Claire :)

Thursday 9 January 2014

City of Bones ramble

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones is incredible. I was completely dragged into the book. The characters are brilliant, Clary who appears to be a normal teenage girl until she sees things that no one else can and soon discovers that she is a shadowhunter. Jace, who is an arrogant, good looking shadowhunter who Clary obviously falls for. Simon, the best friend of Clary who is helplessly in love with her. Isabelle, the dark haired, beautiful step-sister of Jace, she too is a shadowhunter. Alec, Isabelle's brother who is secretly in love with Jace.

Shadowhunters are part human, part angel and it's their job to fight demons. There are also downworlders such as vampires, werewolves, warlocks and the fey. Downworlders are looked down on by Shadowhunters as they are part demon.

The main plot is that Clary's mother is kidnapped by an evil shadowhunter called Valentine. Clary has to try to unlock her memories to find out where her mother could be, but it's not that simple. I love that it's all about Clary trying to save her mother, something most children would do for one of their parents. Even when she finds out about all the things her mother never told her, she would still do anything to save her.

I also love the character Luke who is a werewolf and a father figure to Clary. As at the beginning of the book he is portrayed as being a bad character, but then you discover that he was on Clay's side all along. One of the other characters I like in this book, that I love even more further in the series, is Magnus. He's a warlock with cat eyes which I like because it's so unique. No other books I have encountered had warlocks with animal parts and I think it makes it more interesting. Magnus is the Warlock who Clary's mother got to erase some of Clary's memories. I think that his character becomes more important in the rest of the series. Magnus seems to have a thing for Alec too and he ends up saving Alec's life.

There is a good amount of action in the book, not too much, but enough to make it interesting. It also has some great plot twists such as Valentine being Clary's father and also Jace's father which kind of messes up their romance. I think this makes you want to read the rest of the series to find out what happens as they're in love, but they're siblings.

It was a great start to the series and it really made me want to read the rest of the books. Causing me to read four books in a week, but it was definitely worth it. Amazing book, everyone should read it.

Claire :)

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Birthday Lunch

Today is Lish's birthday so we were all invited round hers for a birthday lunch. So me, Amy and Siobhan went to our maths lessons then once those were over we headed over to Lish's house.

We had lots of nice food, some rolls, sausage rolls (which Amy loved), crisps, grapes, and lots of lovely homemade cake which was made by Lish's mum. After we had our food we all went to Lish's room and we ended up putting her hats on and taking 'selfies' with each other. It was hilarious and so much fun. Amy somehow always ended up on the floor. Not because I pushed her at any point.

We also played Uno which me and Amy had never played before so Lish and Siobhan had to explain it to us, unfortunately they forgot to tell us all of the rules and I almost had to take an extra card. It was a lot of fun though and we all won at least once.

Unfortunately for me my presents for Lish hadn't arrived by the time I left this morning and I felt really bad about it. When I got home today though one of them had arrived so now I'm just waiting for the other one and I'm going to try to get her a little something else to go with them because she had to wait.

Today my 5SOS tickets arrived too! I am so incredibly excited! I've never been to a concert before and they are my favourite band. So I'll be seeing them next month, during my week of mock exams. I have literally never been so excited for anything in my entire lie!

Claire :)

Tuesday 7 January 2014

The month ahead: January

   It's January which means that it is the start of a new year. Now I aim to do a lot this month. First of all I have started a diet and I have begun exercising every day in an effort to lose weight. This is one of the most important things I am going to be doing over the next few months as my current size makes me unhappy. So this month is the start of losing the weight. I already know that it's going to be difficult to get started on losing weight, but hopefully once I get going it will all work out.

   In terms of upcoming events, there are two that I can think of. First of all there is Lish's birthday tomorrow, and I will be going round hers for lunch along with two of our other friends, Amy and Siobhan, to have birthday lunch with Lish. Lish is also having a 'party' where we will be going bowling and then to Nandos on Saturday hopefully which I am really excited about too. So both events that I can think of involve Lish and her birthday haha!

   Along with the idea that it's a new year, I will be working extra hard on all my sixth form work. I had a bit of trouble keeping up with some of the work last year, but this year I'm hoping that won't happen. I will be doing as much work as possible on the day I get it so it's not left till the last minute and I shall try to procrastinate less and actually get work done.

   I will also be looking for a job over this month. I am 17 now and my parents don't have a very high income so they can't afford to buy me lots of nice things so if I want lots of nice things then I am going to have to get my own job and earn my own money. This will also be a good way to stop my procrastination and help me have more of a social life instead of sitting in my room all day reading and going on the internet.

   I will start to prepare for my mock exams this month too. This is because they are at the end of February and if we don't pass our mocks then we won't be put in for the actual exams and I really don't want that happening.So this month I will start making revision cards and posters and checklists. Making sure that I am ready for all my mock exams next month.

   That's my January summed up pretty well. All the things I have to do to make it a successful January. Along side all that, we will be getting our new dog this month. Her name is Ellie, she is 2 years old, a retired greyhound , and I'm really excited about getting her!

Claire :)

Monday 6 January 2014

My top 10... BANDS!

I am one of those people who really love music and most of the music I listen to is bands so I thought I'd share my top 10 with you, in no particular order.

1. 5 Seconds of Summer - this should have been obvious. I love them so much and my favourite song by them is Good Girls are Bad Girls.

2. All Time Low - the band who get naked way too much haha! My favourite song by them is If these Sheets were the States.

3. Fall Out Boy - they are simply amazing, my favourite song by them is Young Volcnoes.

4. Paramore - Brick by Boring Brick is my favourite somg by this amazing band.

5. You Me At Six - such a great band, my favouirte song is Reckless.

6. Muse - only started really listening to them last year but wow, okay favourite song is Madness.

7. The Killers - love them and my favourite song is When You Were Young.

8. Busted - I loved them when I was younger and I still love them now, my favourite song by them is Loser Kid.

9. Green Day - they are amazing and my favourite song by them is Wake Me Up When September Ends because it was the first song of their that I ever listened too and it brings back memories.

10. One Direction - I am not ashamed to say that I really like some of their music, more of the newer songs than the older ones. My favourite song is Midnight Memories.

So there you have it. This does not include any solo artists, just bands as I like so many haha. If there are any on here that you have never listened to then you should because they're all amazing. Let me know if there are any bands that you think I should listen to because I am always up for listening to new music. Hope you all have a great day!

Claire :)

Sunday 5 January 2014

Fictional Characters

As most of you are probably aware, fictional characters are much better than real life people. There is scientific evidence to prove this. I have decided that I am going to tell you all about some of my personal favourite fictional characters.

Augustus Waters. Some of you may know who he is and if you do then you probably also know why I put him on here. He is from the Fault in Our Stars. It's one of my favourite books ever and if you have not read it then I suggest you do as it is amazing. I grew really attached to this brilliant character as although he had lost one of his legs, John Green still managed to portray him as an attractive 17 year old that any young girl could fall for. I loved the way his character never changed, even till the very end and he made me cry on numerous occasions. He is an ideal guy that I wish was real.

Ron Weasley. Jugdge me if you will but I love Ron. I find his character hilarious, even more so in the books though. I think he can be underestimated at times and is much braver than people think he is. I can relate to him in many ways, I am also very scared of spiders and I would have screamed if I had of met Arogog. I also really love ginger characters!

Alec Lightwood. I wish he wasn't gay. I love his character in the Mortal Instruments series. He is such a straighforward person and he's strong and fights demons. He is gay though which is disappointing but at the same time amazing because I love Magnus. I wasn't sure if I actually liked him at the beginning of the the first book, but eventually I did, a lot. I think he's better than Jace because Jace is such an arrogant person and it sometimes annoys me whereas Alec is much more shy.

Katniss Everdeen. She is amazing because she doesn't think she'll win the Hunger Games but she knows that she'll try really hard. I love the way she constantly shows up Snow. It's brilliant. I also like tha fact that she's not a 'people person' and it somehow makes her character more likeable. I have seen the first two films but I haven't read the books yet although I'll be reading them next probably.

Sherlock Holmes. Do I really need to say why? He's incredibly intelligent, but at the same time he's incredible arogant which is a wonderful combination. I love how he always assumes that he's right and he'll figure it out and he always does figure everything out. I would hate and love to meet him (if he were real) because he's amazing but he'd easily be able to uncover my whole life story just by looking at me haha!

Captain Jack Sparrow. Who wouldn't want to meet him? I would love to just be part of his crew, it would be hilarious. He's such a weird character and I wish he was real because it would be funny to just watch him breaking the law al the time and just getting away with it by swinging away on something (like a chandelier haha). Plus who wouldn't want to be a pirate?

The Doctor. I would be the best companion ever! The Doctor is amazing and I just...words can not describe how much I love him. The 10th doctor was my favourite, but I love all of them really. I would probably freak out a bit if he regenerated in front of me but it would be amazing at the same time. Plus, you'd get to travel through time and space, in the TARDIS! I'd have to use a lot of self control to not steal the TARDIS too haha! If you wouldn't want to meet the Doctor then you are clearly lying to yourself.

So those are just a few of my favourite fictional characters. They are clearly much better than most of the real life people I know (apart from my amazing friends and family obviously) and sometimes I get really sad because they're not real.

Claire :)

Dogs, Lish, Books and Sherlock!

Yesterday my family and I went to a retired racing greyhound home-finder place as we had been looking at getting another dog. The reason we went there was because the other day a paramedic told my mum about how he got one from there and he really loved it. (My mum was quite ill and unfortunately an ambulance was called again but she's okay now)

We went there and they only had boys available but we want a girl but the man said that they would have some over the next few weeks. Apparently they are really lazy and don't require many walks which is good because we're quite a busy family. They were really cute and adorable. They are dogs who used to race but either got an injury or just couldn't be bother to race anymore. They're not puppies, but they're not too old either, most of them there were about 3 or 4 years old.

My parents have now made the decision that we will be getting one of the greyhounds, we just have to have a home visit to make sure that the dog can live here and then it will be a few days wait for us to actually have the dog but I am so excited!

Yesterday I also went round Lish's and we had some long conversations about Sherlock and The Mortal Instruments as we are massive fans of both. It's her fault that I love TMI and it's thanks to several of my friends that I now love Sherlock. We both sat in her room on tumblr laughing at funny pictures and drooling over Dan Howell. Then we played Mario Kart which I suck at and she beat my ass at it. It was hilarious though!

I was out till 2am the other night watching Sherlock because we started watching one episode and then I just needed to keep watching because it was too good! I also somehow managed to read four books in a week and my dad keeps complaining because I'm spending all my time reading and not actually socialising or going outside. I don't see anything wrong with it though.

Somehow I weigh less than I did before Christmas too which is insane. I ate enough food for like 50 people over Christmas and I spend most of my time sitting on my ass reading so I'm not getting any exercise either. I am so confused. Not that I should be complaining though haha!

Claire :)

Friday 3 January 2014

The 2013 Jar

At the beginning of the year, I saw a post on tumblr. This post said to have a jar and write all the good things that happen throughout 2013 on pieces of paper and to then put them into the jar so at the end of the year you can look back at all the wonderful things that happened. So I made one. I wrote down most of the really good things (some that wouldn't seem very important to other people but are to me) and put them into a jar.

I thought I would share some of the "good things" that I wrote down throughout last year with you. So here I go.. (I pulled these all out at random just so you know)

1. "Dan Howell tweeted me saying that I'm fabulous!!" Ironic how this was first haha! He replied to me when I tweeted him a picture of me wearing my (what was at the time brand new) llama hat and he replied saying that I looked FABULOUS! ✨

2. "I got a B in sociology" this was about my GCSE exam result!

3. "The Doctor Who 50th anniversary!" This clearly shows what I think is important in life..

4. "I got tweeted by Emma Blackery!" She is a youtuber who I love and she tweeted me back once when I asked her for good luck!

5. "I got an A in a psychology test - highest score in the class!" I was very proud of this!

6. "Mcdonalds on Paige's birthday, May 1st, where all my friends rubbed balloons on my head and made my hair static and Paige had a giant '16' badge on which I gave to her!" I remember this, it was also when she received a kind of lap dance from 'England' and I poured water on 'England's butt too!

7. "GETTING TICKETS TO SEE 5SOS!" My sister bought herself and I tickets to see my favourite band, we'll be seeing them in February!

8. "I finished all my exams!!" The feeling just after I had finished the last one was amazing!

9. "CHRISTMAS!!" This was in there for obvious reasons.

10. "Got a B in my history: Germany resit!" The first time I took the exam I got an E so I was very proud of the B I got the second time around haha!

11. "Seeing Amy working at Burger King!" I was so proud when I first got to see Amy working there in her little uniform and hat!

12. "Discovering 5sos" I don't even know what I did with my life before I knew about them haha!

13. "Getting an A- on my first sociology A-Level assignment!" It was a proud moment for me.

14. "Prom!!" I had an amazing time with all my friends and I saw Paige in a dress which is quite rare and she actually posed for photos!

15. "Eddie's party" I got a bit drunk which is something I don't do very often, some of it was not particularly good, but quite a lot of it was mostly the beginning of the party rather than the end.

16. "Meeting Maddy" a girl I met in September who is in my psychology class and I thought is was definitely worth putting her in the jar haha!

17. "Seeing The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones" the film was amazing obviously!

18. "Dying my hair red" I had never really dyed my hair a very different colour before and so it has been fun having red hair!

19. "I tried a pop tart" I had my first ever pop tart last year, it was amazing!

20. "Watching Sherlock!" Which is such a brilliant show and I wish I had of watched it sooner but oh my gosh it's amazing!

Those are 20 random good things that I pulled out of my jar from 2013, I'll probably do one for 2014 too. I think that you should all do it too because some really good things will happen for you this year and doing this will give you a little reminder at the end of the year that it wasn't all that bad.

Claire :)

Thursday 2 January 2014

My New Years Resolutions

It's a new year which means that I shall be attempting to make crapy New Years resolutions that I preobably won't keep. Let's get started then!

1. Lose weight - something I've been wanting to do for a while now and hopefully I will actually do it this year haha!

2. Get a job - I'm currently struggling for money and now that I'm 17 I think it's about time I had a weekend job of some sort to earn some money!

3. Keep up with my A-Level work - I fell behind a bit last year and so this year I want to make sure I keep up with the work and do well!

4. Think about university - it's not long now till I have to apply for uni so I need to think about where I want to go and what course I want to do, or if I even want to go to uni!

5. Get organised - I am a really unorganised, untidy person and I need to get organised so then I'll know where everything is and my life will be much easier!

6. Get out more - this might sound weird but yes I need to get out more and do more because I have spent the past few years hiding away in my room, never actually doing anything, for reasons that I won't discuss, and now that I look back I really hate it!

So those are my basic New Years resolutions, obviously I have several other more personal ones that I don't really feel like sharing. Have any of you made New Years resolutions too?

Happy new year to all of you wonderful people!

Claire :)