Saturday 2 November 2013

The Fault In Our Stars - John Green

This is a post of my feelings on The Fault In Our Stars. Which I read yesterday and if you haven't read it then I seriously recommend it.

WARNING: this post will contain spoilers from the fault in our stars by John Green. If you haven't read the whole book and are planing to then I suggest you don't read this.

I just read the Fault in our Stars. I cried near the end. A lot. Which probably isn't very surprising to anyone else who has read the book. I was stupid. I became attached to the characters. It made me appreciate what I have got but at the same time it made me wonder what would happen if I, like Augustus Waters, died. What would become of my parents? Would I be remembered? It made me realise that I have done such little in my sixteen years of existence. I live such an average life. If I died today who would remember me? I am so unimportant in this world. I am just another human being, so overly concerned in my terribly short life, just passing the time until I die. I doubt I will be remembered for very long once I die. No one ever really is. People move on.

The book has annoyed me in so many ways. The whole way through, I thought, if anyone were to die, it would be Hazel. But no. Alas, Augustus died instead. Why? Because the world is a cruel place and people die. Everyone must die eventually. Why does it matter if it's in fifty years or a day? It's not about how long you've got. It's about what you do in the little time you have left. I didn't want Augustus to die. Although, part of me thought that it was inevitable really. Someone was going to die. I mean, these were kids with cancer. Not that everyone with cancer dies. But if someone is going to write a book about kids with cancer, chances are one of them will die. Part of me hates John Green for letting Augustus die, but the other part of me cannot blame him. It is still a truly beautiful book.

I understand that Green was purposely letting us get attached to the characters. He knew how upset we would be when Augustus dies. But that's the point. Green wanted to make us feel something, through his writing. And he did. He made us happy and sad, sometimes at the same time. I read this book in a day. I could not seem to put it down. I had to know how it ended, just as Hazel had to know what happened at the end of "An Imperial Affliction" though I am not sure if I'm glad I finished the book. I both love and hate this book. It's toyed with my emotions like a child would her dolls. It's like it's cursed to be my favourite and my least favourite book at the same time. I do know one thing though, this book has changed my whole perspective on life. I will never see anything the same way again. Because I know now, that "there is no shortage of fault to be found amid our stars."

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