Wednesday 13 November 2013


So, I'm only doing three A-Levels. Sociology, psychology and maths. I'm just going to tell you a bit about each of them, mostly because I need to rant about one of them.

Now, I done sociology at GCSE, so quite a bit of it is stuff I learnt over the past two years. Obviously there are some new things that I have to learn too. I've been doing pretty well in it, getting an A- and a few Bs which it quite good at A-Level. I'm am getting on well with the work, I understand it. Plus Amy's in my class which just makes everything better haha! Overall, it's good and I'm really glad I'm taking it.

Next is psychology. Until September I'd never done any psychology before. But apparently, according to one of my psychology teachers, I have a "flair" for psychology (my friends like to point out that flair rhymes with Claire). I have received several As and once even got the highest score in the class. Obviously, I'm really glad I took psychology as an A-Level because I'm doing really well and enjoying it!

Finally, maths. At first it was all ok. I was just about understanding everything, but then... I didn't. There is so much to learn at A-Level maths and I'm only a few months in to it. I'm struggling a little bit with the work, and apparently it's going to get tougher. Brilliant. Just what I needed. I think if I still had the choice I would actually drop maths, but I can't because we're too far into the course. I didn't realise how hard it was going to be until like last week. If I could go back and change it I would probably do ICT as it doesn't look too difficult and I done it at GCSE so I know most of it already. Unfortunately, I can't change it now so I have to stick with maths and try my best not to fail. As long as I get an E (which is a pass) I'll be fine.

Claire :)


  1. Awwww I feel so loved! Ahaha! We can get through maths together, don't worry! :) xxx
