Monday 25 November 2013


It is inevitable that one day every one is going to die. The only question we can ask is when? Or how? I don't know when I'm going to die or how it's going to happen, but I know that it will happen. I know that one day my parents will die, I know that one day my friends will die. It's not the nicest thought in the world, but it's true.

In films, they make death look kind. People dying quickly or in their sleep. But in reality, it's not like that at all. Most of the time it's slow and painful. It won't be peaceful at all. The worst part is not knowing what will happen afterwards. Is there a heaven? I hope there is. Otherwise what's the point? If there isn't some kind of afterlife then what happens to our loved ones once they die? What will happen to us once we die? There's got to be something. I can't even begin to fathom the idea that once you die it's just all over.

My dog died last night. It hit me hard. Made me start thinking about death. It wasn't a nice "she died in her sleep peacefully" kind of death. She had a fit in the middle of the living room, she was shaking violently and we couldn't make it stop. After it finally did stop, we were calling the vets. She started crying and howling in pain and shock and panic. I had to hold her still and try to calm her down, with no avail. We had to get ther to the vets. When she stood up she just began walking into things. She was completely blind. My parents then took her to the vets. She didn't come back.

The reality of death is that it's not peaceful, or quick and painless. It's very slow and painful. I hope my dog is in a better place now, I can't afford to think anything else. I have this empty feeling inside me now. She had been in my life since I was two years old. I feel like when she died, a part of me died with her.


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