Tuesday 26 November 2013


I have never in my life been to a concert. There have been quite a few that I've wanted to go to, but I've never been able to go to any. However, now, my favourite band ever, 5SOS, are coming to my city. They're coming here next year in February and I'm begging my parents to get me tickets. The presage started tomorrow and I'm hoping that they'll get me tickets. It would be so amazing to actually go and see them live.

I'd love to go to an All Time Low concert and a One Direction concert. But they never come to my city. I never thought that 5sos would ever come to my city, because not many good bands do, but they are and I am so excited! Even if I don't manage to get tickets I'm still going to go out and stalk them, because it would be amazing if I got to meet them. I'm probably going to end up screaming if I get to go. I'll try to get as close to the front as possible, and sing along as loud as I can. Luckily, I'm getting a 5sos shirt and hoodie for Christmas which means that I would have something brilliant to wear if I go to the concert. My dad keeps looking at the email I forwarded to him about it so hopefully he'll get me tickets.

Hope you're all having a wonderful day, don't forget to smile!

Claire :)


Grief is something that everyone will experience. You feel grief when people die. It works in strange ways. People express grief in different ways. But it's inevitable that you will feel grief for someone in your life when they die.

It makes you feel empty and broken inside. You miss the person who has passed away so much it aches. You cry until your eyes are sore. Sometimes you just want to be alone to cry. You might yell at other people, getting angry. You'd do anything to bring them back, anything at all. You know they're dead and it feels like a dream, like it can't be true. You try to find someone to blame, even if it's no ones fault. You want to stop feeling the pain. Everything starts to remind you of them, making the emptiness and pain you feel inside worse. This goes on for weeks.

You're going to feel grief throughout your whole life. People die all the time, there's nothing we can do about it. You just have to try to go on. People will tell you that it gets easier, that it hurts a little less as the days pass. But that's not true. It doesn't get easier, we just get used to the pain.


Monday 25 November 2013


It is inevitable that one day every one is going to die. The only question we can ask is when? Or how? I don't know when I'm going to die or how it's going to happen, but I know that it will happen. I know that one day my parents will die, I know that one day my friends will die. It's not the nicest thought in the world, but it's true.

In films, they make death look kind. People dying quickly or in their sleep. But in reality, it's not like that at all. Most of the time it's slow and painful. It won't be peaceful at all. The worst part is not knowing what will happen afterwards. Is there a heaven? I hope there is. Otherwise what's the point? If there isn't some kind of afterlife then what happens to our loved ones once they die? What will happen to us once we die? There's got to be something. I can't even begin to fathom the idea that once you die it's just all over.

My dog died last night. It hit me hard. Made me start thinking about death. It wasn't a nice "she died in her sleep peacefully" kind of death. She had a fit in the middle of the living room, she was shaking violently and we couldn't make it stop. After it finally did stop, we were calling the vets. She started crying and howling in pain and shock and panic. I had to hold her still and try to calm her down, with no avail. We had to get ther to the vets. When she stood up she just began walking into things. She was completely blind. My parents then took her to the vets. She didn't come back.

The reality of death is that it's not peaceful, or quick and painless. It's very slow and painful. I hope my dog is in a better place now, I can't afford to think anything else. I have this empty feeling inside me now. She had been in my life since I was two years old. I feel like when she died, a part of me died with her.


Friday 22 November 2013


It's still November I know, but I'm really excited about Christmas! It's a time when all the family get together and you have loads of food and give each other presents! Everyone is so happy at Christmas, there will be the odd argument about who's doing what, but overall it's a happy time. I love being able to spend lots of time with my family, celebrating the birth of Jesus. I always end up being the only one putting up the decorations, it will be me, carrying a massive Christmas tree down the stairs, decorating it. I'll be the one singing Christmas tunes as I put tinsel on as many objects as possible. But it's always fun anyway.

At Christmas I always end up eating too much because my mum over done it with the buffet or I received one too many selection boxes. Unfortunately, Santa won't be visiting me this year as I am now over 16 and he needs to make sure he gets presents to the other, younger children. I don't mind though, he's brought me lots of great presents in the past. I'll be helping my mum a lot this year as she's had a lot of health problems and I wouldn't want her to end up in hospital again, especially not at Christmas.

I'm currently struggling with being able to afford presents as I don't actually have a job and therefore aren't earning any money, but my sister says she will give me a 'loan' over Christmas and I can pay her back later. I'm not going to be able to get any of my friends very expensive gifts this year, so I'm hoping that they don't spend too much on me because it wouldn't be fair, I also have an annoying boyfriend to buy a present for along with my parents and my sister. It's going to be tough but hopefully I'll get everything in time and not struggle too much with the payments.

I hope you all have a good Christmas, I know I will. I'm going to be getting the Death Note DVDs, lots of CDs and even a 5SOS hoodie!

Claire :)

Growing up

I've been thinking a lot about my birthday lately, since it's in 17 days. I will be turning 17 (I'll be turning 17 in 17 days hahaha) and I still feel like I'm 13 years old. I don't know if I'm ready to be 17 because that means I'll only have a year till I'm 18 and being 18 means you're technically an adult and I really don't want to be an adult, ever. I am not 'adult' material. I don't have a job yet, I don't tidy up after myself, I won't even book my own dentist appointments! I don't want to have to live on my own, doing everything for myself, I'm not ready to have responsibilities. How the hell to bills work? What is insurance? What is a hoover? Ok, so maybe I know what a hoover is, but the point is that I don't understand half the things I'm going to need to know in about a year and a half. I don't have time to learn all about it either, I'm doing sixth form which means I don't have much spare time.

Growing up also means making big decisions. I have to think about university. Hopefully I'll get the right grades to get in to university. I have to choose where I want to go, what course I want to do. Maybe I'll end up having a gap year. There are too many decisions. But I don't have long to choose what to do. I'm growing up way too fast and the past 16 years feel like a blur. And I know that the next 16 years will end up feeling the same, but that's how time works. I'm growing up and I'm just not ready.

Claire :)

Monday 18 November 2013

Harry Potter

I watched the Harry Potter films before I read the books. A lot of people only ever see the films and never read the books, but I really loved the films so I decided to actually read the books too.

In some respects the films are better than the books as you can actually see it come to life and watch all the effects and amazing acting. But on the other hand, sometimes the books are better. I've just about finished the second book as it took me a while to actually pick up the first book and read it. So far I really like Ginny in the books more than I do in the films, this is nothing against the actress I think she's great, I just like the way book Ginny is much more of a "fangirl" of Harry. I think it's more true to her character.

The books are amazing so far, I just wish I had more time so I could read them quicker as I really like them. But I read them as often as I can and I'm really glad I decided to read the books. If you've seen the films and are unsure wether to read the books or not then I think you should.

If you've never seen the films or read the books, like my friend Amy, then you really should. Both the films and the books are brilliant, they are completely worth the time it takes to read or watch them. I guarantee that you will like them.

Claire :)


I've never been the most popular girl at school. In middle school I had pretty much one or two friends. I didn't have a lot of friends at the beginning of high school and the friends I did have weren't very nice people.

But now I feel as though I have the bestest friends in the universe. They are all ways there for me and constantly making me laugh. I don't know what I'd do without them. You have Amy, the burger queen. Paige, the anti-social cat lover. Alicia, the vampire diaries and youtubers obsessed. Elli, the little crazy one. Then there's Jessie, Siobhan, Emma, Kezia, Maddy, and Ellen.

It's difficult to find people that you can get along with really well, but when you do it's brilliant. I believe that all of my friends make me a better person. They make me happier too. I don't think I'd be doing too well if I didn't have them in my life to support me. Even though some of us have had our ups and downs, at the end of the day we're all still there for each other. And we always will be.

I'd never want to lose any of my friends, but I feel as though it is inevitable. When we leave to go to university, or just end up losing contact with each other. Hopefully I won't lose all of them. All I do know is that I'll never meet anyone as amazing as the friends I have now and I am so glad I met them and it's been a privilege to have known them.

Claire :)

Wednesday 13 November 2013


So, I'm only doing three A-Levels. Sociology, psychology and maths. I'm just going to tell you a bit about each of them, mostly because I need to rant about one of them.

Now, I done sociology at GCSE, so quite a bit of it is stuff I learnt over the past two years. Obviously there are some new things that I have to learn too. I've been doing pretty well in it, getting an A- and a few Bs which it quite good at A-Level. I'm am getting on well with the work, I understand it. Plus Amy's in my class which just makes everything better haha! Overall, it's good and I'm really glad I'm taking it.

Next is psychology. Until September I'd never done any psychology before. But apparently, according to one of my psychology teachers, I have a "flair" for psychology (my friends like to point out that flair rhymes with Claire). I have received several As and once even got the highest score in the class. Obviously, I'm really glad I took psychology as an A-Level because I'm doing really well and enjoying it!

Finally, maths. At first it was all ok. I was just about understanding everything, but then... I didn't. There is so much to learn at A-Level maths and I'm only a few months in to it. I'm struggling a little bit with the work, and apparently it's going to get tougher. Brilliant. Just what I needed. I think if I still had the choice I would actually drop maths, but I can't because we're too far into the course. I didn't realise how hard it was going to be until like last week. If I could go back and change it I would probably do ICT as it doesn't look too difficult and I done it at GCSE so I know most of it already. Unfortunately, I can't change it now so I have to stick with maths and try my best not to fail. As long as I get an E (which is a pass) I'll be fine.

Claire :)

Saturday 2 November 2013

The Fault In Our Stars - John Green

This is a post of my feelings on The Fault In Our Stars. Which I read yesterday and if you haven't read it then I seriously recommend it.

WARNING: this post will contain spoilers from the fault in our stars by John Green. If you haven't read the whole book and are planing to then I suggest you don't read this.

I just read the Fault in our Stars. I cried near the end. A lot. Which probably isn't very surprising to anyone else who has read the book. I was stupid. I became attached to the characters. It made me appreciate what I have got but at the same time it made me wonder what would happen if I, like Augustus Waters, died. What would become of my parents? Would I be remembered? It made me realise that I have done such little in my sixteen years of existence. I live such an average life. If I died today who would remember me? I am so unimportant in this world. I am just another human being, so overly concerned in my terribly short life, just passing the time until I die. I doubt I will be remembered for very long once I die. No one ever really is. People move on.

The book has annoyed me in so many ways. The whole way through, I thought, if anyone were to die, it would be Hazel. But no. Alas, Augustus died instead. Why? Because the world is a cruel place and people die. Everyone must die eventually. Why does it matter if it's in fifty years or a day? It's not about how long you've got. It's about what you do in the little time you have left. I didn't want Augustus to die. Although, part of me thought that it was inevitable really. Someone was going to die. I mean, these were kids with cancer. Not that everyone with cancer dies. But if someone is going to write a book about kids with cancer, chances are one of them will die. Part of me hates John Green for letting Augustus die, but the other part of me cannot blame him. It is still a truly beautiful book.

I understand that Green was purposely letting us get attached to the characters. He knew how upset we would be when Augustus dies. But that's the point. Green wanted to make us feel something, through his writing. And he did. He made us happy and sad, sometimes at the same time. I read this book in a day. I could not seem to put it down. I had to know how it ended, just as Hazel had to know what happened at the end of "An Imperial Affliction" though I am not sure if I'm glad I finished the book. I both love and hate this book. It's toyed with my emotions like a child would her dolls. It's like it's cursed to be my favourite and my least favourite book at the same time. I do know one thing though, this book has changed my whole perspective on life. I will never see anything the same way again. Because I know now, that "there is no shortage of fault to be found amid our stars."