Tuesday 1 August 2017

August TBR

August is here and so I thought I'd share my TBR (to be read) list with you! I'm pretty bad at keeping to my TBR lists for each month but I'm going to try.

I have only got four books in my TBR list this month, as you can see, because I have a busy month. I am also still in the middle of a different book which I'm hoping to finish soon so I can actually start my TBR.

First up is Holding up the Universe by Jennifer Niven. Its a young adult, contemporary, coming of age, romance type book. Brilliant description Claire. It appears to be about a girl whos lost her mum and is overweight and meets a guy. I'm excited to read it because I love books that have imperfect main characters.

Next is Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard which I've probably had in a TBR list before but never actually got around to reading. However I am determined to read it this month since PLL is over *cries* and I miss it so much!

I have had Marked by P.C. and Kirstin Cast for a long time and I'm finally going to try to read it this month. It's a young adult fantasy novel about vampires so its right up my street and I can't wait to read it!

Finally We were Liars by E. Lockhart. It's a young adult mystery and I'm not really sure what its about but I think its going to be really good.

That is all for August's TBR, I'm trying to make a TBR list every month and I'm also doing a bookstagram challenge on Instagram for August which is #FANATICALBIRDAUGUST made by @fanatical.fantasy and @littleliterarybird on Instagram. If you have Instagram you should definitely check it out, its a lot of fun and easy to take part. If you wish to see my posts from the challenge you can find them on my account which is @clairefrancesw I also post lots of makeup photos and cheesy pictures of me and my boyfriend!

- Claire

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