Wednesday 23 August 2017

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy

I am going to 10 parts as I think that's the best way to do it. I'd also like to apologise in advance for how long this is going to be. It's not really a review, its more of a rant/ramble about it. I am writing them as I read each story. Excuse any mistakes, this was written roughly and badly.


Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy

First of all I thought the Shadowhunter academy would be so much cooler and cleaner. What is with all the slime? And I loved how Simon decided to join the mundane group. I want to give him a cuddle because he doesn't have his memories and everyone thinks he's this big hero but he doesn't think he is because he doesn't remember it. Then there's Izzy who he barely remembers either and she loves him but he's like "I'm not the same though" and it must be so confusing for them both. But when Izzy went there and staked her claim on him I loved it Izzy is amazing and her and Simon were meant to be omg I just.

Then there's my angel George who is a Lovelace Jessamine but not a Lovelace and he is so nice and follows Simon into the less cool group where they share a slimey room together. He is a cutiepie and I love his friendship with Simon. He's this attractive buff guy with a heart of gold. The possum scene was hilarious when he was scared and standing on a stool. I love how quickly him and Simon bonded, I think its a bromance for life.

I cried when Simon kind of remembered Jordan's death in a way that made him sad. It reminded me of how sad I was when it happened. It must be so difficult for him, he wants to be the old him again but he doesn't know how.

The Lost Herondale

Scarsbury needs to leave my poor Simon alone. He is a skinny boy who isn't used to all this fitness. It was such a dumb idea to send a bunch of them to go kill a vampire, especially Simon who actually was once a vampire. Then Izzy to the rescue which was great but Simon upset her which was bad. But he doesn't know what to do and they are both struggling so much.

Jon is annoying me so much. Why so mean to my poor baby Simon? Just because he's jealous that Simon is a hero and was a mundane then a vampire then a daylighter then a mundane again. The poor guy doesn't even remember it. Give him a break. Stop being a meanie.

Story time with Catarina was great because THE LOST HERONDALE and we all love Herondales. Obviously I know its (SPOILER FOR LOS) Kit and I love him lots. It means Jace has an actual blood relative. I'm really starting to love Catarina in this book, the is great!

Then Clary showed up! I love Clary. It was awkward for them because he doesn't remember her but then he felt kinda happy and whatnot and I'm hoping that means he's getting better. Their friendship is very important to me.

The Whitechapel Fiend

First of all how cute are Simon and George playing their little eye spy game and George says 's' and its 'Simon'. I love them. And "You're either saying 'Isabelle' or 'fishy smell' oh George you make me laugh.

Jace was bae for helping Simon with the tree. I was so excited that he was in it again. I have missed him so much. His sarcasm and devilish handsomeness. I also love how he wants to help Simon with his Izzy problems too. Everyone seems to know they're meant to be.

Story time with Tessa was great. I have also missed Tessa. I loved reading about her married life with Will and their children. The story about Jack the Ripper was pretty cool too. And she's related to Jace too. The Herondales are very important. Made me miss The Infernal Devices so much.

And Simon finally wrote a letter to Izzy and it was hopefully the start of rebuilding things between them. Reading this book is making them an even more important couple to me than they were before. I need them to be together and happy.

Nothing but Shadows

Story time with Catarina again! And its about James Herondale and Matthew Fairchild! My Will was in it too briefly which was wonderful. I have missed Will. But James being an anti social book nerd was everything to me. I actually liked how he and Matthew didn't get along at first and it was interesting to have a shy Herondale. I ended up loving their friendship so much!

I need more of James and Matthew please.

But poor James being treated so badly because he's special. He is a precious snowflake and needs to be protected at all costs. Then there's Matthew who just wants to be with his dad. I just love them both so much. And when Matthew said he was going to be James' parabatai I just cried of happiness.

George wants to be Simons parabatai but he knows he cant because of course Simon will want Clary. George needs a parabatai. I volunteer!! I am happy that Simon wants to be parabatai with Clary though because they're just meant to be parabatai.

The Evil We Love

God damn it Sizzy sort yourselves out. She returned his letter and that's not fair I need them together. But I am loving George so much. He has some of the best lines and I need more of him.

Story time with Robert Lightwood. So. Much. Story. Time. I am enjoying it a lot though. So I think Robert is a bit of a wetty, reading about his days in the circle I feel like maybe it was just him wanting to be part of something more than him believing in what Valentine was saying. I feel so sorry for Maryse because he never really loved her. I really liked Michael though because he cared about Robert a lot (obviously that was more to do with that he was in love with him) and the poor guy got his heart broken and pretty much lost his parabatai. I don't like Robert very much, I don't blame Izzy for being mad at him at all.

The whole test thing, where they all got tricked was pretty smart but also mean. Though I am so glad Izzy didn't actually like Jon he's not the nicest person. Although it was pretty funny that all of them but Simon and Julie failed. I knew my Simon wouldn't fall for anything so stupid.

Finally Simon and Izzy will have a god damn date! I am so happy. I've been waiting so long.

Pale Kings and Princes

Witty George strikes again. "Oh, George, you bronze Scottish love god, tell me what to do with Isabelle." I'll say it again. I want more George.

Mayhew can burn in hell. Poor Helen. Why does she have to suffer so much? She done nothing wrong and she's only half fey. She's also half Shadowhunter. They're just punishing the innocent. Stupid clave.

Story time with Helen. I did not enjoy this story. Obviously. It gave me an insight into Arthur's history (I probably should have read this before Lady Midnight and Lord of Shadows). It makes me sad that Helens birth mother let Andrew believe that their love was a lie and made him hate her. Although she let his brother get tortured so I don't know how I feel about her.

Finally a good Sizzy date! Thank you Helen. I couldn't believe the disaster dates they'd had before the good one at the lake. The idiots didn't know what they were doing. But we finally have a Simon and Izzy date that went well and ended with a kiss!

Bitter of Tongue

Time for fairies I guess. My George as the leader, but he was a bit dumb bless him. So Simon got captured. But my Mark came along to help him. Oh how I've missed my Mark. I cried when he talked about his siblings and how he thought Simon was sent to rescue him. Simon had to tell him that the shadowhunters didn't want him. My poor Mark. And he thought that Helen was looking after the kids *cries* but she cant because she's been exiled. Like I've said before, I probably should have read this before The Dark Artifices.

Then its Isabelle to the rescue and some smooching which I loved. And Mark helped them again and was probably punished. He doesn't deserve to be treated so badly.

Wedding time and there's the Blackthorns all cute and young. Also a nice date for sizzy. I love weddings. Julian gave Helen away because there was no one else to do it which made me tear up. Then Simon told Helen that Mark sends his love and I did actually cry. It must have meant so much to her. And it meant her brother was alive and well.

The Fiery Trial

So Simon is taken off to see Magnus, Jem, Catarina and Clary. Only to end up taking the parabatai test of fire. Which was weird and sounded like it wasn't a lot of fun. Simon ended up searching for Clary and he finds her and saves her which showed that they are meant to be parabatai. But I mean we all knew that anyway.

Also Clary and Simon being asked to be witnesses for Emma and Julian's parabatai ceremony was cute. I also felt sad though because obviously Julian didn't have anyone else he could ask. Then there was a lot of fire. And I think Simon noticed that there was something between Emma and Julian but he couldn't figure out what it was.

Born to Endless Night

MAGNUS! I am so happy there was a Magnus one. And a little blue baby. I can just imagine how cute that would be. I love how all the students were clueless and panicked and then Simon just decided to go get Magnus. But him walking in on Magnus and Alec was hilarious.

Random Lily entering while the Lightwoods are fussing over the baby. I kind of guessed Alec wanted to keep it, I mean I already knew they were going to keep it because of the other books I've read, but it was obvious from this story too. Then Magnus realised and freaked out a bit bless him.

Simon is so clueless about girls liking him. But he finally gets to talk to Alec and they discover that Jace has been naughty so they decide they need to extract revenge on him which is done by Alec hitting him repeatedly. He kind of deserved it, the little sod.

Malec kept the baby and named him Max Lightwood and I cried for a week. Magnus and Alec with a baby is everything and I want more of it.

Angles Twice Descending

I AM NOT OKAY. Why did Cassandra Clare do this to me?

So Simon is all ready to be a Shadowhunter and although he's scared and has to say goodbye to his family he stays to become one. A few people we don't care about run off because they cant do it. Then Simon and Izzy get it on finally.

Simon called George a brother and I cried. Then they went to go ascend. Simon was scared obviously but he ascended successfully and regained his memories. All is good. Everyone is happy.

But then George. He did not ascend. He died. I am heartbroken. How could this happen?

He was buried at the London Institute and Simon saw his ghost with Jessamine's ghost. I haven't stopped crying.

- Claire

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