Thursday 31 August 2017

Game Night

Last night I saw my friends, a lot of them whom I hadn't seen in a while, which was really great. Instead of talking about books or makeup today I thought I'd share with you how my night with my friends was. I don't feel like I do enough personal posts anymore and I had such a great time last night I just had to share it with you.

(Excuse the bad quality photo)

It was round Emily's, she lives in the same village as me so I didn't have to go far for it. It was me, Emily, Reid, Emma, Tom, Lish, Paige, Siobhan and Amy. Several of those people I hadn't seen in a while so it was nice to have a good catch up. We watched Kingsman, but mostly talked over it rather than actually watching it and Amy didn't like the part where the man got chopped in half but I don't blame her. We ordered pizza obviously and for some reason Emily had loads of drinks.

I had baked cookies for everyone and they all liked them, especially Siobhan who had about six! But I'm just glad they all liked them. Even Emily's dog Finley who somehow managed to open the box and eat a couple. We also played cards against humanity which was hilarious and I won, but only because people had to start leaving because they had work in the morning.

(Yes a Snapchat screenshot)

A few people left and there was just five of us but then Connor said he could join us for a bit. So me, Emily, Reid, Tom and Emma played Uno until he got there which Emily won. It was funny because Reid made Tom pick up about 10 cards. Once Connor arrived we played Simpsons Monopoly. I however left part way through the game because it was 12:30am and I had to walk home. Apparently the game didn't end till gone 3am. Emma managed to win.

Overall it was a really great night and I had a lot of fun. I cant wait for another fun night with my friends.

- Claire

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