Wednesday 17 January 2018

What I Achieved In 2017

I know we're now 17 days into 2018, but I realised I haven't made any kind of 2017 post so I figured I would finally do one. I thought about doing a New Years Resolutions post but I feel like I always do one of those. I tried making one of my favourite memories but when I started uploading photos for it half of them didn't upload so I kind of gave up on that idea. So I decided I'd write about some of my achievements in 2017 instead. I didn't achieve a lot last year but it was a pretty good year for me in general.

First of all I got into my first proper serious relationship. I met a guy called Ben way back in January last year and there were sparks instantly. We started dating and the rest is history. He's made me so happy over the past year and I'm so glad to have him in my life. It was a big achievement because I'd bounced around a bit between guys the year before and I was worried I'd never be with someone longer than a month. But as fate would have it I managed to find Ben and we've now been together nearly a year.

I had some problems through the year as well of course, a lot of which involved some girls talking behind my back. I managed to cut them out of my life as much as possible last year which is pretty difficult because they are friends with my friends, but I do my best. My life has been a lot more drama free since then and I am a lot happier. I'm trying to put it in the past and move on with my life. But managing to mostly ignore them and stop talking to them the best I could was a major achievement for me because in the past I've been a pushover and just let people walk all over me but last year I decided I was done with that.

I started volunteering at a charity shop at the end of last year and I know its not a full time paid job but its one step closer to that. I will also be able to use them as a reference and its good experience too. It will make me feel a lot more confident when I am ready for a full time job and I wont be jumping into full time work. I have recently suffered with a panic attack to do with this job, but the people there are really nice and supportive about it so I feel as though I'm not under as much pressure as I would be with a regular full time job. I am really proud of myself for pushing myself to start working there because its getting me to meet new people and do new things which will really help in the long run.

Last year I also managed to go out more, which sounds kind of silly but in previous years I've had difficulty going out too often because of my anxiety and depression. I went out a lot with my boyfriend of course and with his friends sometimes and also with my friends. I do wish I'd seen my own friends more but I'll try to see them more this year. I managed to go clubbing quite a few times too which is good because its a pretty crowded place to go so it sparks up my anxiety often. I've met a lot of new people too thanks to Ben and I've handled that really well so I'm pretty proud of myself for that too.

- Claire

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