Thursday 20 February 2014


Okay so I have a week off this week, as it's half term, and I thought "brilliant a week off to revise for my mocks" as my mock exams are next week. So far though, it has not gone to plan.

On Monday, I went shopping with Lish, which I told you about. So therefore I didn't really have much revision time then because I was out and then I was getting my hair done. On Tuesday I had a bunch (a bunch is seven) of friends round to do revision. But as you can guess, not a lot of revision got done with eight of us in my living room eating pizza and playing games. But nevertheless I did have lots of fun and I'm glad I had them round. (I'm so sorry you couldn't make it Amy, I love you!) Wednesday, I went round my grandparents and we went into town and had lunch and went to a few shops. So I didn't get a lot of revision done then either.

Today, I am hoping to actually get quite a bit of revision done because I really don't want to fail my mocks. I know that I need to revise maths the most because it is the most difficult subject that I am taking. I also really want to watch the Brits today because I could watch it last night because I was watching Waterloo Road and then I was really tired so I went to bed (it's really sad that I went to bed at 9pm when I don't even have sixth form the next day) but I recorded it. However I have to get some revision done first because it's more important.

It is one week till I go and see 5sos and it just doesn't seem real. I don't think it's hit me yet that I'm going to see my all time favourite band ever in exactly seven days. I have a feeling that it won't actually hit me until the day of the concert an I'll have a massive freak out about it and probably end up having a heart attack on the way there or something.

I hope you all have a wonderful day! Stay in school and don't do drugs. Byeee!

Claire :)

Wednesday 19 February 2014


Uglies is a brilliant book. It's by Scott Westerfeld and it's part of a trilogy. I got this book because it had a Hunger Games reference on the front, it sounded really good (going by the blurb) and the cover looked really cool.

It's set in the future and it's about this girl called Tally. She is an Ugly. The next step for her in her life is to become a Pretty. This involves reaching 16 and then having an operation to make her 'pretty'. Becoming Pretty is all Tally has ever wanted and she doesn't have long to go before she is 16. However, when she befriends Shay, a girl with whom shares the same birthday as her. She begins to question becoming Pretty. When Shay runs away Tally is forced to choose between turning her friend in or never becoming pretty.

When I first started this book I was really intrigued as to what exactly it was about and what would happen. Even after the first chapter I had my doubts about the idea of 'pretties'. I thought the whole idea of it was barbaric. Having an operation just to make you look better, like everyone else. I did understand why Tally would want to become pretty though, as I myself hate the way I look.

It's a really interesting and unusual plot line. I've never read anything like Uglies. I truly felt sorry for Tally when she had to choose between betraying her friend and never becoming pretty. In a way, I feel like it symbolises the way the media try to make us believe that we have to look a certain way to be accepted, like the Uglies have to become Pretty. But that's just me getting too far into it.

I have now bought the second book entitles Pretties which I am really looking forward to reading at some point as I have so meany new books that I need to read now! I definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes futuristic and YA books because it is amazing.

Claire :)


I read Divergent several weeks ago. I read it in a day, it was that good. I'd heard quite a bit about it, from friends and on the internet too, so I thought I'd see what it was like. It is also being made into a film which will come out this year so I really wanted to read it before seeing it at the cinema.

It's a futuristic book which is based around a girl called Tris, or Beatrice. Once you are in your last year of school, when you are 16, you have to choose a faction. There are five factions; Abnegation, Erudite, Amity, Candor and Dauntless. Beatrice, along with the rest of her year group must take a test to discover which faction they truly belong in. When Beatrice takes her test, Tori, the woman testing her, tells her that she is Divergent. This means that she does not belong in any particular faction because she has qualities from several.

She then has to choose for herself where she wants to go. If she wants to leave Abnegation and her family or not. She chooses Dauntless. Dauntless proves to be quite a challenge for Tris and she must overcome many fears and obsticals. Along the way she meets Four and she ends up falling for him. She must face her deepest fears and build up her strength to fit in to Dauntless. Along the way she has to hide the fact that she is divergent as if people were to find out then it would not end well.

I really loved this book because it really drags you into the story and I made me feel worried about Tris' problems and I began stressing over them when they weren't even my problems at all! It is a brilliant read and I recommend it to anyone who likes futuristic YA books and I garuntee by the end you will want the next book in the series!

Claire :)

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Updates on my world

First of all I would like to apologise for not having updated in so long. Everything in my life has been a bit hectic lately and I've rarely had the time or the motivation to write anything. But I am back now to annoy you with my ramblings about my terribly boring life!

First of all, my new dog Ellie is wonderful. Although she cries if you leave her alone and she has peed on the carpet numerous times and she was sick yesterday and I said to my mum "is that supposed to be there?" Which was a pretty stupid question because it clearly wasn't. But she is getting much more used to us and our house now, she is very weird, even for a dog.

Next week is my mock exams (yaaaay!) which I am so nervous about. I'm so sure that I am going to fail the maths ones as I have got quite a lot of U's in the work we have done and I know that I'm terrible at it. If I do fail maths then I'll probably have to drop out of sixth form and cr in a ditch somewhere for the rest of my life.

I'm doing this revision day thingy with some of my friends today at my house which will be fun. I hope. I've been tidying up the house a bit this morning for when they get here and I hope they appreciate my efforts. We will mostly be revising psychology as most of us (by most of us I mean all of us apart from lish) do psychology. I will not lie, I haven't done much revision yet this week but I will.

I was at the city yesterday with Lish and I finally got my jacket for the concert (the 5sos concert next week) so now I have the whole outfit! I also got myself aaa other rubber from blott, a pink bird and I have added it to my collection. When I was in HMV I found a wonderful All Time Low poster which is now on my wall in my room and might I say that it is beautiful. I also got some red hair dye to redo my hair as my roots were really bad so now my hair is nice and freshly red which is just in time for the concert next week!

I hope you all have a wonderful week, I will try to update more now! Love you all!

Claire :)