Monday 21 March 2016

Lady Midnight

Lady Midnight, book one of The Dark Artifices series by Cassandra Clare. Oh my god. It was amazing. I'm not biased on anything because Cassie is my fave. This may be a long post, I have a lot of feelings about this book.


First of all, Emma Carstairs is the best. I love me a good Carstairs *ahem*Jem*ahem* and Emma did not let me down. She is a bit (a lot) reckless and sassy. So much sass. I love how through the book she slowly realizes she has feelings for Julian and its so cute, but so sad. She lost her parents and she's all about the revenge, but she sees the Blackthorns as her family now. She used to have a crush on Mark and also Jace (tbh who wouldn't) and then she's like "Oh, I think I'm in love with Jules" which we all saw coming.

"I keep you around because I need an audience for my witty remarks." - Emma.
"What witty remarks?" - Julian.

They're so perfect for each other and I hate the clave but then there's the whole 'too much power' thing and I don't want them to suffer but either way they will. But Emma's going to use Mark to make Julian think that she doesn't love him and I just want to cry need them together. But they cant be together and its not fair and why did Mark say "Why lie?" like bitch that is your brother you're going to hurt. Just because you feel out of place because you were in the hunt does not mean you can date the girl your brother is in love with.

Anyway, on to Julian. Jules. What a perfect guy. He knew he loved Emma before she knew she loved him, so he had to suffer for longer. Poor baby. And now he's going to have to watch his brother date her, which was like his biggest fear. I want to give him a cuddle. He works so hard to keep his family together and look after them, he's probably the strongest character in the whole book. Plus, he had to kill his dad, even if it wasn't his dad anymore it still looked like him and he was 12. I think that's part of the reason he looks after the kids so much, because he was the one that killed their dad so he feels responsible. He's a cupcake and I don't want him to suffer anymore (he probably will though).

Okay, Mark. I do like Mark, mostly. Him and Kieran were so cute until Kieran pulled a dick move and now Mark hates him. Why do my ships always sink? I guess they ended up together because in the hunt they were all each other had. Which is sweet, until Kieran got Julian and Emma hurt. I know he just wanted Mark back but, what the hell was he thinking. Mark kind of needs to get his shit together. He's acting like he barely knows his family, but he's not making the effort to get to know them. And then he decides that hes going to date Emma like what the fuck? I thought you liked Cristina, but apparently you like anything that moves. But I do feel bad for him because he was forced into the hunt and then the clave decided to not rescue him and he comes back five years later and he doesn't even recognize his own brother. He's had it hard and I think he needs a hug too.

Ty is a cinnamon roll and I love his Sherlock references. He wants to be a detective which is adorable and he's so smart and it makes me feel dumb. I also kind of ship him with Kit, because Kit thought he was beautiful and Ty was sitting outside of his room. Plus their ship name would be kitty. How cute.

So Kit turned out to be the lost Herondale and I'd forgotten all about that until I found out it was him. I'm really glad it was him because I want to see more of his character. He shut himself in a room in the institute, but to be fair he just saw his father ripped in half by demons. Not really something you get over very quickly. He doesn't like shadowhunters, but I have a feeling Ty will change his mind, through friendship or maybe something more. Because Casssie said that we would be shocked by who Ty ends up with and Kit is the lost Herondale so maybe.

The storyline was brilliant, I didn't suspect Malcom until they said that Annabel was in love with a warlock and I thought it might be him even though the whole time he was supposedly helping them. It's nearly always someone you know. It was always about him wanting to bring back the woman he loved which was kind of sweet if he wasn't making murderers and killing people to do it. I think he went mad in his grief. I'm glad nobody I liked died, I hate it when that happens. But my ships were destroyed. Appart from Cristina and perfect Diego who are quite cute but I think Cristina also likes Mark but its all probably going to get very complicated soon.

I enjoyed the parts with the characters from TMI in it, Magnus and Alec have adopted children and I just oh my god its so cute my otp have a family I cant even love it. Simon and Clary are parabati, Simon and Izzy are engaged, so are Jace and Clary now and I am so happy. Thank you Cassandra Clare.

Over all 9.5/10. I really loved it and I highly recommend it to everyone.

Claire xoxo

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