Monday 4 January 2016

Snowbaz is Life, Snowbaz is Everything

Today, I need to discuss a very important topic with you all. Carry On by Rainbow Rowell. The most incredible, amazing, wonderful, gay book I've read in quite some time. Carry On is like fanfiction but its actually canon and oh wow its amazing. Did I say that already? I suggest reading Rowell's other book Fangirl before you read Carry On, but you don't have to. Carry On is based on the made-up books from Fangirl and its kind of like reading a Draco and Harry fanfiction. But so much cooler because its a real book and not some short crappy fanfiction with bad grammar written by a twelve year old. I warn you in advance my rant is messy and contains spoilers so read at your own risk.

Simon Snow is the worst chosen one who's ever been chosen.

Okay, I'm a big fan of both Fangirl and Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell which is what led me to read Carry On and boy did it not disappoint. First of all Simon Snow is a cutie patootie who makes lists about things he misses most about Watford but doesn't include Baz on his list (probably because he thinks about Baz so much that he doesn't need to put him in the list to remember him). I love his friendship with Penelope. Actually, I just really love Penelope.

My first spaz fangirl moment was at the end of page 176

"And when I felt myself slipping too far, I held on to the one thing I'm always sure of-
Blue eyes.
Bronze Curls.
The fact that Simon Snow is the most powerful magician alive. That nothing can hurt him, not even me.
That Simon Snow is alive.
And I'm hopelessly in love with him."

I love snowbaz. I really love Baz's love for Simon. The way he says that nothing can hurt him, not even himself, because he's holding on to the fact that Simon is going to be okay. That Simon is alive. That's the only thing that's keeping him going. As long as Simon is okay he can hold on.

"Sharing a room with the person you want most is like sharing a room with an open fire."

Because Baz is a vampire and fire kills vampires, but at the same time; Simon is warm and bright. Baz can't keep away, even if he gets himself killed.

The fact that they say "Crowley" all the time makes me think of Supernatural and I just omfg imagine Crowley in Carry On like "why is everyone gay? Its just like Dean and Cas but with vampires and fucking wizards lets try not to imagine a Carry On/Supernatural crossover shall we?

Right, we're going to get down to the good stuff now. Lets start at chapter 61. In this short chapter Baz mentions wanting to kiss Simon five times. Then Simon kisses him. Apparently to shut him up because Baz is kind of trying to kill himself with fire and its all very dramatic and Baz cant think. I'd also like to point out that Baz calls him Simon for the fist time right before Simon kisses him.  

"He's not a monster. He's just a villain.
He's not a villain. He's just a boy.
I'm kissing a boy.
I'm kissing Baz."

At which point I think Simon realizes his feelings for Baz. That he doesn't hate him and just because he's a vampire doesn't mean he's a monster and he loves him.

"I'm going to die kissing Simon Snow."

What a way to go Baz.

"If Baz thinks I'm ever letting him go, he's wrong."

Simon wants to keep Baz because he loves him and god why did it take you so long to realize that you stupid mushroom its so cute.

"Simon snow is going to die kissing me."

This is what Baz thinks before he stops being an idiot and pulls himself together. He doesn't want Simon to die, he has to save him.

"Simon Snow is still going to die kissing me.
Just not today."

Baz admitting that he wants to stay with Simon forever. And he will even if Simon now has wings and a tail, it just gives him more character, right? I just imagine people constantly tripping over his tail with no clue what is happening because they cant see it and Simon and Baz will have to try not to laugh at all the humans who are clueless as to why they're tripping over thin air.

But have you ever come across a ship as amazing as snowbaz (apart from malec obvs) because they were supposed to kill each other but they ended up falling in love and if that's not the most ironic thing ever then I don't know what is.

Claire xoxo

P.S. I don't even know what this is, I just have so many feels about snowbaz I had to share it.

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