Monday 4 January 2016


I just read Cinder; the first book of the Lunar Chronicles, by Marissa Meyer. It is one of the best book I have ever read and immediately after I finished it I went on amazon and ordered the next three books (can you hear my bank account crying in the distance) because I loved it so much. This is more of a rant than any kind of a review because I suck at reviewing things and I can rant for days about this book. Just a warning; there will be spoilers so read at your own risk.

So, Cinder is part cyborg and she's the main character, she's a teenage girl who works as a mechanic. Her step mum hates her and one of her stepsisters hates her but I think Peony likes her. She also has this friend who is a cyborg called Iko who is the funniest character in the book. Cinder meets the Prince, Kai, who asks her to fix his android. There's a plague going around and Cinder's sister Peony catches it and so her step mum sends her away to be one of the trial cyborgs to help find a cure. When shes there she finds out shes immune. Theres these people called Lunars who live on the moon and who have special abilities. The Queen of the Lunars, Queen Levana, wants to marry Prince Kai so that she can become empress since Kai's father has the plague and will probably die soon.

I love Cinder because she puts up with so much shit and she's so happy just when she gets a new foot and her only friend is an android. But she's so positive and she tries to help Peony by giving her the cure but then Peony dies and she gives it to the little boy. She just wants to run her own life instead of having her stupid step mum rule her life. Plus even though she likes Kai she believes that she doesn't stand a chance with him because even if she wasn't part cyborg she would still be a nobody whos not worthy of a prince. And it makes it worse when she finds out shes also Lunar.

Prince Kai is a persistent little fucker. "Go to the ball with me, go to the ball with me, go to the god damn ball with me." Cinder has to say no like a billion times. But she goes anyway so she can warn him about the evil bitch queen who's going to kill him. He's pretty much the perfect guy if I'm honest. I mean, hes a prince so hes probably rich but he's not snobby or conceited. He cares a lot about his people and always puts them first even though hes only like 18 and he may have to marry some bitch to keep everyone safe.

Cinder turns out to be Princess Selene, I fucking called it! I knew it from the moment they said that they didn't find Princess Selene's body, just what was left of it. I was like "I bet its Cinder!" and it was. So now she must defeat Queen Levana to take her rightful place on the throne and win back Prince Kai.

Overall, I really loved this book. It's probably in my top five favourite books of all time. Definitely worth reading if you haven't already.

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