Friday 7 March 2014

'The Ranting Games' or Better Known as 'My Rant about the Hunger Games'

   I have recently finished reading the Hunger Games series and it was amazing. I had seen the first two films before I read them, as I have had so much to read lately, and I enjoyed the first two books a bit more than I did the films. This is mostly because you get a more in depth view of Katniss' emotions which you don't get so much in the films. And now for my official rant about the first book haha! (The rant does not take into account anything that happens after the first book)


   Okay, to begin with I shall discuss the whole 'should Katniss be with Peeta or Gale' debate. Don't get me wrong, I love Gale, it's just that I prefer Katniss with Peeta. He has been in love with her since they were 5 years old. They saved each other numerous times in the games and they grew so close to one another. I think that Katniss just needs to admit that she does love him. She's just confused because she's just been in the Hunger Games. All of her actions in the games, calling out his name when she found out that they could both win and the way she risked her own life to save him, all indicate that she loves him. I understand that they've both been through hell but they both gained one good thing from the games, they gained each other.

  I understand that the games are there for a reason, that the Capitol must keep control of the districts and everything. But why has no one tried to stop the games from taking place? Surely not everyone in the Capitol wants to watch teenagers and children fight to death in an arena. I know that I wouldn't want to watch it. Are the people there really that messed up? Do they really not care at all? I just find it so hard to believe that so many people would just sit back and do nothing about the games at all. I know that it would be really difficult to try to stop the games, but they could at least try.

   Rue. Why must authors kill people? Especially the most loveable ones. Rue was brilliant. She was also 12 years old. I guess her death was a way of showing how ruthless the Capitol are and that even the most innocent and kind people can be killed for no real reason. The scene of her death was heartbreaking. I cried so much, even though I'd seen the film so I know what was going to happen. The scene was just so much more emotional in the book as you knew how Katniss was feeling, what she was thinking, and it just hit you a lot harder. It was definitely my least favourite part of the book.

   Can I also just say that I can't believe each year all the tributes just go along with the games and try to kill one another. Why don't they all just agree not to kill each other? Would that not work? Would the Capitol just kill them all instead? I don't know. I think some of the tributes can be really quite ruthless too. I mean take Cato for example, he got in a mood and just snapped some poor kid's neck. It's just so rude. How can someone be like that? It's quite disturbing really. I would not want to fight him in the games. How lucky was Katniss though? I think quite a bit of it was luck. She was lucky to not be killed at the very beginning, then she was lucky that the nest was near her in the tree so she could escape. It's a whole load of amazing miraculous luck!
   I have now begun reading the second book and I will probably rant about that too when I finish it haha! If you haven't read the Hunger Games I suggest you do because you're really missing out on an amazing book.

Claire :)

Thursday 6 March 2014

The Eternal Rant of the Infernal Devices but Only the First Two Books


   I'd just like to rant a bit about the infernal devices, the first two books, clockwork angel and clockwork prince. 

   First of all, FUCK THE FACT THAT JEM IS DYING. This is not fair. At all. I LOVE Jem. He is amazing and wonderful and attractive and he should not die. He's too good to die. Why do these authors always kill my favourite characters? (One of the many reasons I am scared about CoHF) You have no right, Cassandra Clare, to KILL these wonderful characters that you have created. Especially the BEST characters, okay?
   Secondly, as much as I love Jem, I ship Tessa with Will. So I am NOT happy about the engagement. Tessa should be with Will for crying out loud. After all that he's been through, not being able to get too close to people and having to push Tessa away even though he loves her, he deserves some happiness. I know that Jem is dying, which sucks, but I honestly prefer Tessa with Will. Even if Will can be extremely rude and annoying sometimes.
   Thirdly, why did Jessamine have to be such a *insert really bad word that I will not say* I mean, after everything Charlotte and Henry had done for her. Seriously? Plus Nate was really horrible to her and then she went and married him. He's dead now though so I guess I feel kind of bad for her, but she's still pissed me off. SO RUDE. 

   On a good note, Henry and Charlotte. I Abserloutly LOVE HENRY. I think he's brilliant and he's one of my most favourite characters ever. They both actually think that the other one doesn't actually love them and then we find out that they do both love each other and I think it's so sweet. 
   Also, Sophie and Gideon. Can I please just tell you how much I ship these two. It's just so sweet that he's a shadowhunter and she's a mundane maid. They fit together so well, even if his brother and father both annoy me. I am just wondering how their relationship is going to work out, I really hope they stay together. 
   Finally, DEMON POX! I knew it was real. I called it. In the first book I totally called it. It sounds really gross though. I loved how happy Will was when he found out that it was real, his reaction was quite similar to mine haha! It was one of my favourite moments in the second book. 

   Sorry for ranting, but I just had to get it all out of my system. Hope you all have a great days stay in school. Read books. Don't do drugs.

Claire :)

The Most Amazing Concert in the History of the Universe

   Sup guys? First of all I would like to apologise for not having updated in ages. I have had my mock exams so I’ve been a bit busy, but they’re over now so I am going to try to write more for my blog. I am currently waiting for the results of my mocks and I’m pretty sure that I have failed most of them, especially maths. I have always found A-level maths really hard and I have received quite a few U’s in my work, so I’m pretty sure I’ve failed the mocks.

   On a happier note, I saw 5sos last week! Omg they were amazing! Mike Dignam, the opening act was awesome too. He’s coming back to Norwich in July and I really want to go and see him, but I don’t know if I’ll be able too. When 5sos actually came on stage everyone rushed forward and it was so crowded in the middle and so crazy. I had such an amazing time though! I took tonnes of pictures, but they’re not too good so I won’t post them on here/ But I was quite close to the front, kind of near the middle, but slightly closer to the front. My sister kind of ditched me, but I made several new friends, including this girl called India. It was her first concert too and we had loads in common. I was so lucky to of had her there as otherwise I probably would have been alone. I’m pretty sure Michael Clifford gave me a thumbs up which I got a really bad blurry picture of. But he noticed me so that’s amazing! They were so good live and I just want to go back and see them all over again.
I didn’t get too meet them afterwards as they left straight after it finished and I had to queue up to get a t-shirt and poster. I am so glad I got the t-shirt and poster though, plus there probably would have been too many people there for me to actually meet them anyway. Overall it was incredible, even if it didn’t end till nearly 11pm and I had an exam the next day haha!

   They did say that they wanted to come back to Norwich again one day and I really hope that they do as I would love to see them again. I would get there a lot earlier next time to be closer to the front. My sister forgot her ticket after we left to go there the first time so we had to go back so she could get it. How on earth can you forget your damn ticket when you’re going to a concert?! But once we got there we kind of just pushed our way through to the middle, near the front. I was a little bit taller than most of the people that were there so I could kind of see over lots of people’s heads, mostly because a lot of them were a bit younger than me too. They even brought a girl on stage and I was so jealous, but happy for her at the same time. At one point someone was actually throwing chicken nuggets on the stage which was hilarious!

Claire :)