Monday 4 June 2018

Updates On My Life

Hey, so I haven't posted much lately and I wanted to tell you why and give you some quick updates on what's been going on in my life.

I guess I'll start with the negatives and get them out of the way first. So a couple of months back I went through a break up and that was really hard on me. I was with him for over a year and I didn't see it coming. But I am doing so much better now because of the way he ended things he made it really easy to move on from him.

I also had stuff going on with family being ill and my great uncle passing away. My mum was in hospital a few weeks back and may have to have an operation. My dog broke her toe and has been on so many trips to the vets about it and we are reaching the limit of the insurance so that's been pretty stressful.

I had an interview for a job but I didn't get it, although I'm not that mad because it wasn't set hours or days so it would have been really awkward.

Onto the good things. I met a guy and although its still early days I like him a lot. It has been nice to go out and see him and he's American so that's pretty cool too.

I have been out with my friends quite a bit over the past couple months which has been really nice. I even had my first night out in months on Friday and one of my friends is back from Uni and I'm really glad about it.

Everything in my life at the moment seems to be either going really well or really bad, its a bit of a rollercoaster.

- Claire

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