Tuesday 13 June 2017


On Saturday I went to a wedding. Now this was no ordinary wedding. It was my friend's wedding, the first of my friends has gotten married! To me this is a big deal because we're only 20 and this is someone I've known for like 8/9 years. We met in high school and we've been friends for years and its so strange to think that we're at the age where we've started getting married. I am so happy for my friend Kezia and her husband Tim, the wedding was beautiful and I know they will have a wonderful marriage.

I went as a guest with my friend Lish (as you can see in the photo above). My dad drove us because unfortunately we cant drive. She looked so lovely in her long flowery dress and she made the wise choice of wearing wedges so her feet were much more comfortable than mine. We were both really excited and happy for Kezia and honoured to be there on her big day. We didn't know many other people who were there but we ended up having quite a few drinks during the reception which gave us the confidence to talk to maybe a couple of people we didn't know!

I didn't actually take many photos because I was too busy enjoying myself and trying not to cry. And the photos I got weren't too great (thanks iPhone). But Kezia looked so beautiful and I wish I had of gotten better pictures because the ones I got just don't do her justice. The photo here was taken in the church and I couldn't zoom because it just made the quality even worse. But the ceremony was beautiful, I was close to crying at several points.

My other friend Emma was maid of honour and she also looked stunning. We had a good laugh during the reception as Emma made a bet with someone which lead to lish turning red and some awkwardness later on. Emma even managed not to trip on the stairs and spent most of the evening with no shoes on.

I got a few terrible quality photos of their first dance. I am so happy for them and they are a wonderful couple. I was pretty drunk by this point in the night and I ended up going outside and playing on the park, I will not be sharing the embarrassing photos of me on a swing.

At the end of the night there were fireworks and sparklers. It was a lovely display and I took far too many pictures of the fireworks. Thanks to me being slightly intoxicated the photo of Kezia and Tim I took turned out much too blurry but I'll add it anyway because its a very cute photo.

Overall it was a lovely night and I wish Kezia and Tim all the happiness in the world. I am so glad I got to be there to witness it all.

- Claire

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